英语人>词典>英汉 : contrecoup的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

contrecoup ['kɔntrə,ku:]


[医]对侧伤, 对侧外伤

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Objective To investigate the contrecoup injury between on CT and its clinical correlation finding of adrenal tuberculosis so as to improve the diagnostic accuracy of the disease.

目的 探讨颅脑对冲伤的CT表现特征与临床表现的相关性,以提高该病诊治水平。

Methods: Clinical data of 58 patients with contrecoup cerebral injury in forehead and temple region who were admitted from June, 2003 to June, 2008 were retrospectively analyzed.


Objective: To probe effective surgical procedures for contrecoup cerebral injury in forehead and temple region and to increase its cure rate.


the contrecoup injury has some characteristic manifestations on CT,which had some correlations with its clinical findings and can guide clinical treatment and evaluation.


Methods Randomly choose 32 patients of occipital or forehead contrecoup brain concussion as a case group,and random 32 patients of brain concussion on other head parts as a control group.Record the severity of clinical symptoms and the treatment time of the two groups,then compare and analysis the results.


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contravention 违反 | contrecoup 对侧伤 | contredanse 对面舞


\\"不随意的\\",\\"contravolutional\\" | \\"对侧外伤,对侧伤\\",\\"contrecoup\\" | \\"指诊,触诊,接触欲\\",\\"contrectation\\"

contrecoup:对侧伤; 对侧外伤 (名)

contravention 违反; 矛盾; 违背 (名) | contrecoup 对侧伤; 对侧外伤 (名) | contretemps 不测之灾祸; 意外事故 (名)

contrecoup:对侧伤, 对侧外伤

contravention || 违反, 违背, 矛盾 | contrecoup || 对侧伤, 对侧外伤 | contrectation || 接触欲

contrecoup injury:对冲伤

在这种受力的方式下,脑损伤主要发生在暴力打击点下面,称冲击伤(coup injury),而暴力作用的对侧产生对冲伤(contrecoup injury)常较轻. 但拳击致伤时却有不同,当拳击运动员被带软拳局的圈击中时,受击部位下面的脑损伤较轻,

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