英语人>词典>英汉 : coke dust的中文,翻译,解释,例句
coke dust的中文,翻译,解释,例句

coke dust

coke dust的基本解释


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Industrial residue is combined with coke dust to produce granular materials that is transferred to liquation furnace for high - temperature processing after automatic computation and proportioning , and the melt is processed to be fiber by fiber machine , then after containing dust , floatation deslagging, shot separation and modification processing , whitening and dehydration , which the fiber is pressed to inorganic fiber for paper making in vacuum condition and the product is weighed,packaged and put in storage automatically .


ResultsThe major occupational hazardous factors in the project were coke dust, carbon monoxide, benzopyrene, benzene soluble matter and noise. The detection results showed that MAC of benzopyrene on coke pushed side, TWA of benzene soluble matter of two posts and noise level of coke griddle were overproof the rest were eligible.

结果 该扩建项目主要职业病危害因素是焦炭尘、一氧化碳、苯并芘、苯溶物、噪声等;检测结果示焦侧苯并芘的最高接触浓度、炉盖工、出炉工苯溶物的时间加权平均浓度及输焦振筛的噪声强度超标,其余检测点检测结果均符合国家职业卫生标准。

To prevent coke dust from CDQ coke transferring from emitting, 2 sets of


The pollution and danger of the smoke and dust from the coke oven to the man and environment were outlined.


A mixture of coal dust or coke dust and air is pot entially explosive, leading to the possibilit y of a


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更多网络解释与coke dust相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

coke dust:焦炭粉

coke drum 焦炭鼓 | coke dust 焦炭粉 | coke erasing knife 清焦刀

dust coke:焦末

dust coat 防尘外衣 | dust coke 焦末 | dust collecting chamber 集尘箱

Coke has many meanings: coal dust, slang for cocaine, and the famous soft drink. Coke:一词有许多解释:煤尘、古柯碱、以及著名的清凉饮料(可乐)

0410. I found a coin i... | 0411. Coke has many meanings: coal dust, slang for cocaine, and the famous soft drink. Coke一词有许多解释:煤尘、古柯碱、以及著名的清凉饮料(可乐). | 0412. It's a cold day for ...