英语人>词典>英汉 : cloven foot的中文,翻译,解释,例句
cloven foot的中文,翻译,解释,例句

cloven foot

更多网络例句与cloven foot相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Let the cat out of the bag ;show the cloven foot


She disguise a man , but the voice betray the cloven foot.


The traitor displayed his cloven foot before long.


Ha ha !!! The mysterious figure showed the cloven foot !


In his Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States , Morse wrote: Surely American Protestants, freemen, have discernment enough to discover beneath them the cloven foot of this subtle foreign heresy. They will see that Popery is now, what it has ever been, a system of the darkest political intrigue and despotism, cloaking itself to avoid attack under the sacred name of religion.

在他的著作《外国阴谋美国的自由》( Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States )中,他写道:当然,美国的新教教徒,自由民有足够的洞察力去发觉那些外国异教徒在他们眼皮底下搞破坏,他们会明白天主教会无论过去还是现在,都一直是最邪恶的且已经体制化了的政治阴谋家和独裁者,只不过利用'宗教' 这一神圣的幌子来保护自己不受攻击。

更多网络解释与cloven foot相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cloven foot:分趾蹄; 偶蹄; 魔鬼标志

clove 丁香#小鳞茎 (名) | cloven foot 分趾蹄; 偶蹄; 魔鬼标志 | cloven hoof 分趾蹄, 偶蹄; 恶魔的标志

display the cloven foot:露马脚

display scale 显示器刻度盘 | display the cloven foot 露马脚 | tower gantry crane 塔架门式起重机

display the cloven foot:显露恶意

disgustingly smug 臭美 | Display the cloven foot. 显露恶意. | disposable 用完就扔之物

show the cloven foot:露马脚

show temper 急躁 | show the cloven foot 露马脚 | show the hoof 露马脚

show the cloven foot:现原形, 露马脚

set sth. on its feet 使某人[物]独立生存[存在]下去 | show the cloven foot 现原形, 露马脚 | sling a nasty foot [俚]跳舞跳得到家了

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