英语人>词典>英汉 : carousals的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇


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On getting home he would take up a book, even while his valets were undressing him, and read himself to sleep; and from sleep turned at once to gossip in the drawing-rooms and the club; from gossip to carousals and women; from dissipation back again to gossip, reading, and wine.


He read and re-read everything he came across. On getting home he would take up a book, even while his valets were undressing him, and read himself to sleep; and from sleep turned at once to gossip in the drawing-rooms and the club; from gossip to carousals and women; from dissipation back again to gossip, reading, and wine.


For while they celebrate either child-slaying sacrifices or clandestine mysteries, or frenzied carousals in unheard-of rites


They often called Balaga in to their carousals, made him drink and dance with the gypsies, and many a thousand roubles of their money had passed through his hands. In their service, twenty times a year, he risked his life and his skin, and wore out more horses than they repaid him for in money.


Races, the English club, carousals with Denisov, and the nocturnal visits that followed―all that was different, all that was the correct thing for a dashing young hussar.
