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can be easily done的中文,翻译,解释,例句

can be easily done

can be easily done的基本解释


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In addition, the flashing of complex details and creation of an expansion joint at the base of these penetrations to allow for differential settlement can be easily done with the Firestone EPDM Geomembrane system.


What I like about waist measurement is that it can be easily done.


The contrast of lesion-to-normal and lesion-to-CSF were higher in FLAIR, was particularly superior in demonstrating lesions in the hypophloeodal or paraventricular area.Small hemorrhagic foci in Sylvian cistern and the cerebral sulci can be easily shown in FLAIR and can?t be done in conventional T2WI.FLAIR was particular of superiority to demonstrate trauma and subarachnoid haemorrhage.

结果 FLAIR共检出病灶1889个,常规T2加权像检出1343个,FLAIR显示病灶的轮廓更为清晰,病灶与正常脑组织的对比度更高,在显示脑皮层下、脑室旁病灶方面更有优势,可显示常规MR T2加权像未能显示的侧裂池及脑表面脑沟的小出血病灶,在诊断颅脑外伤及蛛网膜下腔出血方面具有明显的优势。