英语人>词典>英汉 : camera obscura的中文,翻译,解释,例句
camera obscura的中文,翻译,解释,例句

camera obscura

camera obscura的基本解释

暗箱, 暗匣

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The other track became the camera obscura room, a combination of education and entertainment.


The development of the camera obscura took two tracks.


In the 17th and 18th century, many artists were aided by the use of the camera obscura.


The Camera Obscura was seen as a drawing tool for a clearer and realistic portrayal of objects.


My master stood, and they set up the camera obscura so that it pointed at me.


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更多网络解释与camera obscura相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

camera obscura:暗箱

按照克拉里的研究,笛卡尔、莱布尼茨以及洛克等人都可以归入到"暗箱"(camera obscura)这种古典的视觉模式,也即把眼睛当作一种单纯接受外界刺激的被动器官.

camera obscura:针孔照相机

camera for electron diffraction 电子衍射照相机 | camera obscura 针孔照相机 | canada balsam 加拿大屎

camera obscura:攝像機

Calvin 凱文 | Camera Obscura 攝像機 | Cannon 大砲

camera obscura:暗室針孔成像

暗色 under tone | 暗室針孔成像 camera obscura | 暗記(版畫) chop mark

camera obscura dark chamber:暗箱

ante meridiem a.m. before noon 上午 | camera obscura dark chamber 暗箱 | carpe diem pluck the day 及时行乐

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