英语人>词典>英汉 : board of elections的中文,翻译,解释,例句
board of elections的中文,翻译,解释,例句

board of elections

board of elections的基本解释


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Yahoo will be held on August 1 annual general meeting of shareholders, board elections and discuss the future direction and other issues.


The easiest way to find out all of this information is to get on to your county board of elections' website: what information isn't prominently displayed on the website is available through the phone number also displayed online.


The industry believes that the Yahoo senior reiterated that at this time Google is better than Microsoft's partners, one of the main purposes is to prevent some of Yahoo shareholders of the August 1 at Yahoo, Yahoo's board of directors elections at the realization of the attempt.


I know plenty of people who have volunteered for one campaign or the other, but there is one organization that really needs involvement in order to make sure that elections go off without a hitch: the county board of elections.


Billionaire, Yahoo shareholders, one of the Yahoo board elections Kaeryikan comprehensive plan, Yang said:"We believe Icahn to be launched by the board of directors is a bad choice."


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更多网络解释与board of elections相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

board of elections:选举事务所

board of education 学校董事会 | board of elections 选举事务所 | board of health 卫生局

Commonwealth Board of Elections:自由联邦选举委员会

Commonwealth Banana Exporters Association;英联邦香蕉出口商协会;; | Commonwealth Board of Elections;自由联邦选举委员会;; | Commonwealth Bureau of Animal Breeding and Genetics;英联邦动物繁殖和遗传局;...

Central Board of Elections:中央选举委员会

Central Board;中央事务局;; | Central Board of Elections;中央选举委员会;; | central budget;总预算;;

Departmental Board of Elections:省选举委员会

Departmental Administration and Finance Office;部内行政和财务处;DAFO; | Departmental Board of Elections;省选举委员会;BED; | departmental criminal court;省刑事法庭;;

communal board of elections:市选举委员会

Commuautes del Khmeres Refugies en France;法国高棉难民联合会;; | communal board of elections;市选举委员会;BEC; | Communal Chamber;部族院;;