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bar beat的中文,翻译,解释,例句

bar beat

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In her later work, she attempted to script the lifestyles of the coffee bar, beat generation kids, but with less success.


16Ths of bar one, and the third 16th in the first beat of bar two.


The obvious note of emphasis in each measure is the downbeat, the first beat of the bar.


This may be one reason why so many compositions begin with a partial bar – the first beat usually carries the accent and is too loud.


In my opinion, I think Kim Seung-youn is harshly criticized because he is chaebol. Isn't the cause of the scandal the bar staff who beat his son?

在我的观点里,我觉得Kim Seung-youn会被强烈的批评只因为他是财阀,那些殴打他儿子的酒保不正是该丑闻的原因吗?

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root barr:表示 "棒,栏

683 root bar 表示 "重,压" weight | 684 root barr 表示 "棒,栏" stick | 685 root bat 表示 "打,击" beat

misc barr:栅栏

944 misc barbar 胡说 stammer | 945 misc barr 栅栏 bar | 946 misc beat 有福的 blessed

bar line:小节线,五线谱中为分割小节而画的垂直线

Bass-guitar 低音贝司; | Bar Line 小节线,五线谱中为分割小节而画的垂直线; | Beat 节拍,有规律出现的脉冲或节奏单元;