英语人>词典>英汉 : autolysate的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

autolysate [,ɔ:təu'laiseit,ɔ:'tɔliseit]


自溶产物, 自溶物

更多网络例句与autolysate相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It takes more than fourteen days for all cells of thermostreptomyces sp.1 to autolysate on media at 55℃ or 37℃.

Streptomyces sp.1在55℃或37℃,培养基上细胞全部自溶的时间超过14d。

Some times, the entire digested yeast with the cell wall fraction is dried without separation and the product is termed an autolysate which food processors find use in certain specific applications.


Selenium content in Se_enriched yeast's autolysate was determinated by adopting spectrofluorimetry.


Since C6 and higher alcohols are not obtainable by a direct biochemical route, it is proposed to synthesize these using known chemical reactions, wherein the raw material for synthesis is biogas and lower C2-C5 alcohols obtained by the inventive method wherein the amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine, or a mixture thereof, optionally obtained from yeast autolysate, is used as a biocatalyst at the stage of fermentation.


The results showed that:(1) 5'-nucleotide contents in yeast autolysate was slightly increased by adding RNase frommalted barley roots;(2) higher pH did not improve the 5'-nucleotide contents even in the presence of RNase from malted barleyroots, but at the pH 8.0, the addition of Acalase could increase the final yield, soluble protein contents and 5'-nucleotide inthe presence of RNase from malted barley roots.


更多网络解释与autolysate相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


autolisn 自溶酶 | autolysate 自溶物 | autolysin 自溶素


autologous 自体的 | autolysate 自溶产物 | autolysin 自溶素

autolysate:自溶產物 自溶产物

autoinduction 自體誘導 | autolysate 自溶產物 自溶产物 | autolysis 自溶(作用) 自溶(作用)


"自己接种,自身接种","Auto-inoculation" | "细菌自溶产物","Autolysate" | "自己溶解","Autolysis"

yeast autolysate:酵母自溶产物

yeast 酵母 | yeast autolysate 酵母自溶产物 | yeast extract 酵母膏

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