英语人>词典>英汉 : asset valuation的中文,翻译,解释,例句
asset valuation的中文,翻译,解释,例句

asset valuation

asset valuation的基本解释


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Business valuation began with the development of the property market. It is an important constitution in the asset valuation.


It is directly related to the asset valuation of enterprises, related to earnings ratio, which is related to the business eventually be able to raise the number of funds in the stock market.


There is a greater emphasis on asset valuation in determining goodwill impairment.


Real option is the extension and development of financial option in the area of real asset valuation and pricing research.


The methods of asset valuation were systematically studied for fishing vessels.


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asset valuation:资产计价

计量是会计系统的核心职能,资产计价(asset valuation)和收益决定(income determination)是会计计量(accounting measurement)的两大主要内容. 计量的关键在于计量属性的选择,计量属性是指会计要素某种可用货币加以计量的特性.

asset valuation:资产估值

资产估值(Asset Valuation )是指评估一项投资组合、一家企业、一项投资或资产负债表项目价值的过程.

asset valuation:资产评估

CFA考试分三级,一级考试题型是客观题,侧重考查考生对投资评估及管理工具和概念的理解;二级考试,侧重于考查资产评估(Asset valuation)能力;三级考试,侧重考察组合管理及资产分配(Portfolio management/asset allocation)的能力.

asset valuation:兩- 資產估值 內- 資產評估 台- 資產評價

asset turnover 兩- 資產周轉 | asset valuation 兩- 資產估值 內- 資產評估 台- 資產評價 | asset-based lending 兩- 以資產做抵押的貸款

asset valuation view:资产评估视图

asset usage 资产用途 | asset valuation view 资产评估视图 | asset valuation 资产价值

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