英语人>词典>英汉 : arrange in order的中文,翻译,解释,例句
arrange in order的中文,翻译,解释,例句

arrange in order

arrange in order的基本解释

序, 排比

更多网络例句与arrange in order相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The feeling that concoct to arrange in order in no way, will fade in color gradually because of oxidize, but the factitiousness clean to fade in color on the contrary and not easily.


The innovation of performance-based budgeting spreads the each state government of U.S., and this budgeting system claims regionalism and induction. The rule of budgeting system of countries is to authorize the decision-making as far as possible and to use to the place effectively. Simultaneously, the institutions also budget by the achievements to arrange in order, but not depend on the cost of investment formerly.

摘要 绩效基础预算的改革风潮几乎遍及美国各个州政府,该预算制度主张分权与诱因,各国共同作法系将使用预算资金的决策尽量授权,用於最有效率的地方;同时预算亦按各机关的产出绩效来编列,而非如以往按投入成本编列。

It is first found that there is an important difference in order-disorder of crystalline structure between the artificial pitchblende and natural pitchblende. Unlike natural pitchblende in which uraninite nanocrystals arrange in order, the artificial pitchblende only contains disorderly uraninite nanocrystals.


更多网络解释与arrange in order相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Arrange the icons:排列图标

"Arrange the groups in order of priority","按优先级重排组" | "Arrange the icons","排列图标" | "Arrange the windows as vertical, non-overlapping tiles","垂直安排窗口,标题不重叠"