英语人>词典>英汉 : antimony potassium tartrate的中文,翻译,解释,例句
antimony potassium tartrate的中文,翻译,解释,例句

antimony potassium tartrate

antimony potassium tartrate的基本解释

[医] 酒石酸锑钾

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Results: Shukang granule can obviously resist inflammation induced by dimethylbenzene, egg-white, raise the pain range of mice induced by hot plate , extend the delitescence of mice's turn-body reaction induced by injecting potassium antimony tartrate and decrease the number of times in 10min, restrain the meat-bud of rats formed.


From the perfusion experiments with isolated rabbit heart and vessels were obtained the follow- ing results:(1)Potassium antimony tartrate produced depression of the isolated rabbit heart,and this depressant action became more marked when the pH of the solution was raised from the original value of 5.4 to that of 7.2;(2)At the same pH levels,the cardiac action of the potassium salt was slightly stronger than that of the corresponding sodium salt;(3)The slight vase-dilator effect of potass- ium anti...

从离体器官的灌注实验得到下列结果:(1)酒石酸锑钾对离体兎心有抑制作用,将其pH 从5.4调整到7.2时,作用亦随以增加。(2)在相同 pH 时,酒石酸锑钾的心臓抑制作用较酒石酸锑钠略强。(3)酒石酸锑钾对离体兎耳血管的轻微扩张作用,系由于该药溶液的微酸性反应,当将药液 pH 调整至7后即无作用。(4)对于离体兎肺血管则不问 pH 为4.8或7,均产生轻微的血管收缩作用。

The effect of H2SO4, phosphomolybdic acid, antimony potassium tartrate and nanogold in size of 15, 30 and 50 nm on the decreased RS intensity I was studied respectively.

在硫酸介质中,纳米金在774 nm处产生一个较强的共振散射峰;磷钼酸与酒石酸锑钾形成的三元杂多酸可被抗坏血酸还原形成锑磷钼蓝,导致774nm处共振散射峰的强度降低。

Methods: Observing the effect of Shukang granule on the swollen ear of mice induced by dimethylbenzene, the swollen toes of rats induced by injecting egg-white, the turn-body reaction of mice by injecting Potassium antimony tartrate, the pain model induced by hot plate and the swollen meat-bud of rats induced by cotton.


Both in vitro and in vivo experiments showed that potassium antimony tartrate inhibited markedly the respiration of the worms, whe...


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更多网络解释与antimony potassium tartrate相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tartar emetic; antimony potassium tartrate; tartrated antimony:吐酒石;酒石酸锑钾

单宁酸;单宁 tannic acid; tannin | 吐酒石;酒石酸锑钾 tartar emetic; antimony potassium tartrate; tartrated antimony | 酒石;酒石酸氢钾 tartar; potassium acid tartrate

antimony potassium tartrate:酒石酸锑钾

等级:无水;晶体危险性: ...化学系的各位大大 麻烦一下了~ ...51C水中正磷酸盐之流动注入分析法-比色法: 水样中正磷酸盐与钼酸铵(Ammonium molybdate)和酒石酸锑钾(Antimony potassium tartrate)在酸性条件下反应成错合物,接...

antimony potassium tartrate:酒石酸氧锑钾

含义 tartaremetic 又称酒石酸锑钾或酒石酸氧锑钾(antimony potassium tartrate) 特性无色透明晶体或白色粉末,相对密度2.607. 25℃时溶解度8.3g,100℃时为35.9g. 溶于甘油,不溶于乙醇,无臭,有甜味和金属味. 由酒石酸氢钾锑化而得.

antimony and potassium tartrate:酒石酸锑钾,吐酒石

\\"锑\\",\\"antimony\\" | \\"酒石酸锑钾,吐酒石\\",\\"antimony and potassium tartrate\\" | \\"五硫化锑\\",\\"antimony sulphurate\\"

potassium antimony tartrate:酒石酸锑钾,酒石酸锑钾

potassium antimony ==> 安替莫散 | potassium antimony tartrate ==> 酒石酸锑钾,酒石酸锑钾 | potassium arsenate ==> 砷酸钾

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