英语人>词典>英汉 : angular curve的中文,翻译,解释,例句
angular curve的中文,翻译,解释,例句

angular curve

angular curve的基本解释


更多网络例句与angular curve相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Carried out generalized Mises yield criterion , yield curve on the n flat face was circle curve, and different elected parameters correspond to external angular point circumcircle、 internal angular point circumcircle and incircle of Mohr-Coulomb unequiangular hexagon. According to unequiangular hexagon, circle yield curve which had the same area as hexagon can be found, and corresponding yield criterionwas equilateral circle yield curve.


Moreover we formulize the optimal path according to the theory of B-spline Curve, so the path which is composed by the grid point can transform into a continuous and smooth curve. By formulizing path we can also calculate angular velocity, angle acceleration, and torque in dynamics.

另外我们根据B-spline Curve的理论将最佳路径参数化,使由格点所组成的最佳路径转换为一条连续且平滑的曲线,藉此我们也可以计算动力学中的瞬间角速度、角加速度与力矩。

And analysis the output curve after improving, and in the same time, the difference in the corresponding angular speed, angular acceleration, angular displacement curve of the bilateral symmetry components will obviously decrease.


更多网络解释与angular curve相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

angular displacement:角曲移置

angular curve 角曲线 | angular displacement 角曲移置 | angular gyrus 角回

drawdown curve:降水曲线

渐缩管Gradual contraction pipe (4) | 降水曲线Drawdown curve (7) | 角变形速度Rate of angular deformation (12)

anhysteretic curve:无迟滞曲线

角速度换能器 angular-speed transducer | 无迟滞曲线 anhysteretic curve | 无迟滞磁化曲线 anhysteretic magnetization curve