英语人>词典>英汉 : anchor-hold的中文,翻译,解释,例句



锚力, 挂锚处所, 安全, 紧握, 抓牢, 隐土小屋

更多网络例句与anchor-hold相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods 23cases of the distal clavicle fractures(ⅱtype in neer classification system) were treated by fixation technique between coracoid and clavicle. after reduced the fractures, one method was using the ethibond 5 suture line to bundle and fix the coracoid and clavicle, the other was using the anchor to fix between coracoid and clavicle.

对neer分型ⅱ型的23例锁骨远端骨折采用喙锁间固定技术进行手术治疗,即骨折复位后,使用ethibond 5号线绕过喙突将锁骨捆扎固定;使用anchor将喙突与锁骨进行固定。

Provides an alternative value for the aspect of the markup in question—an alternative generic identifier, transcription, or attribute value, or the identifier of an anchor element (to indicate an alternative starting or ending location).

提供一个替代属性值给指定标记部分—一个替代的类目识别符码、转录、或属性值,或是元素anchor (用来指出一个替代的开始或结束位置)的识别符码。

The paper proposes two new dimension reduction algorithms: The First is On the Expected Distortion Bound of Direct Random Projection. The second is Anchor points based Isometric Embedding under least square error criterion. On the Expected Distortion Bound of Direct Random Projection has a time complexity of O.

本文分别提出了两种新的维数约减算法:(1)基于期望扰动的直接随机映像算法On the Expected Distortion Bound of Direct Random Projection,简称DRP(2基于锚点集的最小平方误差等距嵌入算法(Anchor points based Isometric Embedding under least square error criterion,简称AIE)。

更多网络解释与anchor-hold相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Switch off deck lights and anchor light, hoisted anchor ball:关闭甲板灯和锚灯,升起锚球

Wait for port entry formalities 等候办理进港手续 | Switch off deck lights and anchor light, hoisted anchor ball 关闭甲板灯和锚灯,升起锚球 | Start to heave anchor 开始起锚

anchor bed; anchor board; billboard:锚床

锚球 anchor ball | 锚床 anchor bed; anchor board; billboard | 锚链;锚缆;锚索 anchor cable

anchor crane; anchor davit; cat davit; cat head:吊锚杆

锚座;锚架 anchor chock | 吊锚杆 anchor crane; anchor davit; cat davit; cat head | 吊锚杆 anchor davit; cat davit