英语人>词典>英汉 : Y-shift的中文,翻译,解释,例句




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Fig 1 Negative control Female umbilical cord sample has no Y-specific signal after in situ hybridization with the biotinylated Y-repeated sequence DNA probe PY3.4 Fig 2 Positive control Flow-sorted male umbilical cord cells hybridized to Y-specific DNA probe PY3.4,Every cell contains a Y-specific signal Fig 3 Fetal cells sorted from maternal blood Flow-sorted cells from a pregnant woman at 20 weeks of gestation hybridized to Y-specific DNA probe PY3.4,containing a Y-specific signal Fig 4 The result of polymerase chain reaction Lane 1:male umbilical cord NRBCs sorted by FITC-conjugated anti-monoclonal glycophorin A;Lane 2:sample of 2;Lane 3:male umbilical cord NRBCs sorted by FITC-conjugated anti-CD36;Lanes 4-5:samples of 1 and 3;Lane 6:50 cells of male;Lane 7:5 cells of male;Lane 8:200ng male DNA(positive+control);Lane 9:nonpregnant female DNA(negative+control);Lane 10:ΦX174 HaeⅢ Maker,271bp:amplified band of Y-specific gene SRY;383bp:amplified band of human β-globin gene

图1 阴性对照女性脐带血标本,经与生物素标记的Y-染色体重复序列DNA探针原位杂交后未见Y-染色体特异信号图2 阳性对照分选的男性脐血细胞经与Y-特异DNA探针杂交后,每一细胞都含有Y-染色体特异信号图3 母体外周血中分选的胎儿细胞从一位妊娠20周的孕妇外周血中分选出的细胞经与Y-特异DNA探针杂交细胞中含有Y-染色体特异信号图4 聚合酶链反应结果 1:GPA-FITC单抗分选男胎脐血NRBCs;2:2号标本;3:CD36-FITC单抗分选男胎脐血NRBCs;4、5:1、3号标本;6:50个男性细胞标本;7:5个男性细胞标本;8:200ng男性DNA;9:未孕女性DNA;10:ΦX174 HaeⅢ标准,271bp:为SRY基因扩增带;383bp:为人β-珠蛋白基因扩增带内参照

So we designed a adaptive synchronizing controller based on hereinbefore hardware environment: first a small magnitude reference signal r is outputted to system through the signal card (to ensure that the vibrating system works in a linear state), and this signal is sent to the moving coil of vibrator through the power amplifier, so vibration is produced through electromagnetic induction. Secondly the vibration signal can feedback to the data acquiring card in the servo system through the acceleration sensor on the Vibroseis reactor M〓 and the base-plate M〓, then the computer can get the current vibrating state y〓 of the coil of vibrator according to the feedback information from the data acquiring card, and give a real time comparing between the current state y〓 and the reference output y〓 of the set-in reference model with current reference input being r , then regulates the correlative controlling parameters according to the error e〓=y〓-y〓 till y〓→y〓, finally normal signal sweeping begins with a certain phase fixed. Meanwhile a synchronization signal for seismic signal record is sent to seismograph from synchronization signal outputting component in the Vibroseis system to perform the controlling process of synchronization of sweeping phases.


Only with such characteristics, the movement equations can be expressed as matrices, and the idea of transforming the movement equations to the simplest form through a nonlinear transformation can be realized;(2) The form of Zi =Yi + YTH2i Y + Y7H3i Y(2)+ Y(2)T H4i Y(2)+ YTH5i Y(3) is adhibited in the nonlinear transformation, so that the multivalued problem caused by the nonlinear transformation is avoided, and the higher order transformation can be taken next;(3) The fourth order nonlinear transformation matrices H21,H31,H41 and H51 are derived, by which the original movement equations of electric power system is transformed to Jodan form in Z space;(4) By use of the fourth order nonlinear transformation, the approximate expression of the stability boundary is obtained, in Z space it is Z1= 0,in Y space it is Y1 + YTH21 Y + YTH31 Y(2)-i- Y(2) TH41 Y(2)+YTH51 Y(3)= 0;(5) The criterion used in this paper to judge whether the system critical unstable is simple and quick;(6) The method used in this paper is a direct method, and no need to construct an energy function.

正是由 于电力系统的运动方程具有这样的特性,才能写成矩阵的形式,通过非线性变换将电力系统的运动方程变换为最简单的线性形式的思想才能得以实现;(2)将通常运用于电力系统暂态稳定性分析的Normal Form变换的形式由 Yi= Zi+ ZTh2riZ变形为 Zi= Yi+YTH2iY+YTH3iY(2)+Y(2)TH4iY(2)+YTH5iY(3),从而使得在对持续故障轨线实施同样的非线性变换以确定临界切除时间时,避免了非线性变换带来的多值性的问题,而只有在没有多值性问题的困扰下,才能采用较高阶的变换:(3)推导出了将原始电力系统系统的运动方程变换到Z空间的约当形式的非线性变换矩阵H21、H31、H41、HS1:(4)在运用四阶了「线性变换的情况下,给出了受扰动后系统的稳定边界的近似的解析表达,在Z空间为Z1=0,在y空间为: Y1+YTH21Y+YTH31Y(2)+Y(2)TH41Y(2)+YTH51Y(3)=0 (5)确定临界失稳的判据简单、快捷:对于一个复杂的电力系统,其稳定边界是相当复杂的一个高维曲面,即便是已知系统稳定边界的解析表达,要求出系统持续故障轨线何时与这一高维曲面相交,在数学上几乎是不可能实现的。

更多网络解释与Y-shift相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


xenon stroboscope 氙光频闪观测器,氙光频闪仪 | Y-shift 垂直移 | yield point 屈服点


xenon stroboscope氙光频闪观测器,氙光频闪仪 | Y-shift垂直移动 | yield point屈服点

Y Y-shift:垂直移

wiring 接线,布线 | Y Y-shift 垂直移 | yield point 屈服点