英语人>词典>英汉 : System的中文,翻译,解释,例句




更多网络例句与System相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

System start-up BIOS, that is, the computer Basic Input Output System (Basic Input-Output System), is integrated on the motherboard, a ROM chip, which preserves the most important computer system basic input / output procedures, system information settings, the boot Power On Self Test procedures and system bootstrap program to start.

系统开机启动 BIOS,即微机的基本输入输出系统(Basic Input-Output System),是集成在主板上的一个ROM芯片,其中保存有微机系统最重要的基本输入/输出程序、系统信息设置、开机上电自检程序和系统启动自举程序。

Noted by http://www.SSEweb.net/】 Jian-Guang YANG(1960~), Male, J.S.D., Member, Expert Group on Social System Engineering; Professor, Section of Legal System Engineering, Law School, SUN Yat-Sen University; Chief Expert on Social System Engineering, Research fellow, Depertment of Political System Engineering, China Aerospace Laboratory of Social System Engineering; Realizer Beijing Institute of Social System Engineering; Attorney at law, Gunagdong Lingnan Law Firm; Member, The International Research Project on "Systems Thinking of Chinese Leadership"; member, The Steering Committee of the Network of Social System Engineering http://www.

杨建广(1960~),男,法学博士,社会系统工程专家组(Expert Group on Social System Engineering, EGSSE)成员,中山大学法学院教授、法学研究所法治系统工程研究室主任,中国航天社会系统工程实验室政治系统工程部研究员,北京实现者社会系统工程研究院首席法治系统工程专家(前任首席法治系统工程专家为吴世宦),广东岭南律师事务所律师,"中国领导层系统思维"国际研究计划(International Research Project for Systems Thinking of Chinese Leadership)成员,亦兼任社会系统工程网 http://www。

Noted by http://www.SSEweb.net/】 Jian-Guang YANG(1960~), Male, J.S.D., Member, Expert Group on Social System Engineering; Professor, Section of Legal System Engineering, Law School, SUN Yat-Sen University; Chief Expert on Social System Engineering, Research fellow, Depertment of Political System Engineering, China Aerospace Laboratory of Social System Engineering; Realizer Beijing Institute of Social System Engineering; Attorney at law, Gunagdong Lingnan Law Firm; Member, The International Research Project on "Systems Thinking of Chinese Leadership"; member, The Steering Committee of the Network of Social System Engineering http://www.

杨建广(1960~),男,法学博士,社会系统工程专家组(Expert Group on Social System Engineering, EGSSE)成员,中山大学法学院教授、法学研究所法治系统工程研究室主任,中国航天社会系统工程实验室政治系统工程部研究员,北京实现者社会系统工程研究院首席法治系统工程专家(前任首席法治系统工程专家为吴世宦),广东岭南律师事务所律师,&中国领导层系统思维&国际研究计划(International Research Project for Systems Thinking of Chinese Leadership)成员,亦兼任社会系统工程网 http://www。

更多网络解释与System相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Job order cost system:分批成本制(同job cost system)

Job order cost sheet 分批成本单;分批通知成本单 | Job order cost system 分批成本制(同job cost system) | Job production 分批生产

分批成本制(同job order cost system):Specific order cost system

Specific legacy 指定遗赠 | Specific order cost system 分批成本制(同job order cost system) | Specimen 样本

Determining the system folder locations:设定system文件夹的位置

Enable and Disable the windows task bar 激活和禁止windows任务条 | Determining the system folder locations 设定system文件夹的位置 | Obtaining information about the operating system 获得操作系统的信息