英语人>词典>英汉 : Merlin的中文,翻译,解释,例句



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更多网络例句与Merlin相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They found a ten-year-old boy calld Merlin.


According to Antonius, Merlin was born as a result of a union between a human and a demon.


Nevertheless, from the viewpoint of the legal binding which proves to be the most effective means, five key legal documents contributed each in a different age to the dominance of French in France: 1. the Ordonnance de Villers-Cotterêts of 1539; 2. the law Comte Philippe Antoine Merlin (dit Merlin de Douai, 1754-1838) came up with in 1794; 3. la loi Deixonne of 1951; 4. la loi Bas-Lauriol of 1975; 5. la loi Toubon of 1994. The most important cultural meaning of the history of French is that it reflects the human will whereas this consitutes an aspect of the cultural dialectic the language has encountered since more than twelf hundred years.

另一方面,就最具立竿见影效果的法律层次而言,法语历史上的五大关键法令在不同的时代各作贡献,确保了法语作为国家语言的地位:一、一五三九年的维业戈特雷法令,二、共和历二年热月二日的梅林德杜艾(Comte Philippe Antoine Merlin, dit Merlin de Douai, 1754-1838)法案,三、一九五一年的戴克松法案,四、一九七五年的巴-罗里欧勒法案(la loi Bas-Lauriol),五、一九九四年的杜朋法案。

更多网络解释与Merlin相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在展出的阿芙娄公司兰卡斯特重型轰炸机上,两个外侧的"小鹰"(Merlin)活塞发动机换上了喷气发动机,预示着喷气时代的到来. 就在这次航展的前几天,约翰o戴利(John Derry)驾驶DH.108无尾喷气试验机,实现了超音速飞行,

Merlin Codex:<梅林宝典>

Locus Magazine >杂志 | Merlin Codex > | Merlin's Wood >

Merlin: "No. I'm happy to be your servant, till the day I die:不是,我很高兴做你的仆人,直到我死为止

Arthur: "If this is you trying to lea... | Merlin: "No. I'm happy to be your servant, till the day I die." 不是,我很高兴做你的仆人,直到我死为止 | Arthur: "Sometimes I think I know you Merlin, other tim...