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[人名] 马尔科姆, [地名] [美国] 马尔科姆

更多网络例句与Malcom相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This Video was realized in two locations of Brazil. One in Dona Marta Mount, black community situated in Botafogo, city district of Rio de Janeiro. The other in Salvador city, with the presence of OLODUM, famous music group of percussion in the state of Bahia. The scenes was filmed in the year of 1995, and directed by Spike Lee ("Do The Right Thing","Jungle Fever","Malcom X").Curiosity: Spike Lee appear for a moment, quickly helping Michael when he slip and fall in the street.

芬兰实在是个奇妙的国家,这个人口总数仅520万的北欧小国﹝其实也不小,面积是台湾的十倍大﹞,国家竞争力却排名世界第一,芬兰人不爱讲话,但却以电信产业称霸全球,如今更在欧洲金属版图中占有不小的影响力,从Amorphis、Stratovarius,到 Nightwish 、Children of Bodoms、Sonata Arctica、Eternal Tears Of Sorrow等等,芬兰的新生代金属乐团一个接一个地倾巢而出,使得芬兰除了已是个科技先进的国家,亦成为金属乐迷的乐土!

S3 In the late 1960s, Malcom Norwood thought that deaf people could enjoy television programs with the help of caption .

六十年代末,Malcom Norwood觉得有了字幕的帮助,聋人也可以享受电视的趣。

Over the following centuries the association became stronger and was used by various people, including James Malcom Rhymer who wrote "Varney the Vampyre" in the 1840's.

然而在往后的几世纪期间,这个观念越来越强烈,包括著名作家James Malcom Rhymer在1840年所写的小说《Varney Vampyre》都有提及。

更多网络解释与Malcom相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Malcom Baddock:马康.巴达克 史莱哲林学院的学生

Gregory Goyle 格瑞.格高尔 跩哥.马份的狐群狗党之一. | Malcom Baddock 马康.巴达克 史莱哲林学院的学生. | Marcus Flint 马科.福林 史莱哲林魁地奇球队的追踪手.

Malcom Baddock:马康.巴达克 史莱哲林学院的学生. chX中国英语学习网

Gregory Goyle 格瑞.格高尔 跩哥.马份的狐群狗党之一. chX中国英语学... | Malcom Baddock 马康.巴达克 史莱哲林学院的学生. chX中国英语学习网 | Marcus Flint 马科.福林 史莱哲林魁地奇球队的追踪手. chX中国英语...

Malcom Baddock:马康.巴达克

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