英语人>词典>英汉 : Magnus的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 马格努斯来源于斯堪的纳维亚人名, [男子名] 马格努斯来源于拉丁语, 含义是“伟大的”(great)

Name / 人名 [588]

Halden · Theobold · Shamus · Iver · Gale · Marlon · Kody · Culbert · Adley · Adrien

更多网络例句与Magnus相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Magnus Bocker still expresses, of American capital market gigantic an IPO that concussion restricted a company is enthusiastic, want the market to be able to be stabilized only come down, IPO and activity of other capital market come with respect to can vivid capriole, predict the end of the year comes this year Nasidake will receive next year the beginning of the year new round IPO tide.

Magnus Bocker还表示,美国资本市场的巨幅震荡限制了企业的IPO热情,只要市场能够稳定下来,IPO以及其他资本市场活动就会活跃起来,并预计今年年底至明年年初纳斯达克将会迎来新一轮的IPO浪潮。

Caesars old friend and mentor, Pompey Magnus, attempts to foment mutiny in order to maintain the balance of power.

双方力量的制衡点落在了元老院上,而凯撒的老朋友、导师Pompey Magnus在元老院中享有最高的地位。

The results of calculations showed that the maximum increments in saltation height and horizontal distance due to the Magnus force were 10.2 and 24.9%, respectively, and that both increments increased with increasing lift-off angle. The maximum increments in saltation height and horizontal distance of sand grains caused by the Saffman force were only 4.6 and 3.7%, respectively. The vertical concentration distribution of Aeolian sand flow follows exponential function distribution whether or not force analysis of saltating sand grains includes Magnus and Saffman force. The effect of Magnus and Saffman force on the vertical concentration distribution of Aeolian sand current makes the rate decrease near sand bed and it is consistent with the effects of Magnus and Saffman force on the saltation height and distance of sand grains.

Magnus力对跃移高度和水平距离产生的最大增量分别可达到10.2%和24.9%,这两个增量均随起跃角度的增加而增大;Saffman力对跃移高度和水平跃移距离产生的最大增量分别为4.6%和3.7%;是否考虑Magnus与Saffman力,风沙流垂向质量百分浓度均服从指数函数分布,Magnus与Saffman力使得风沙流垂向质量百分浓度较不考虑它们的作用呈现出底层的比例较小,上层较大,Magnus与Saffman力对跃移高度的影响基本与其对风沙流垂向质量分布的影响一致,不过Magus力对风沙流垂向质量百分浓度分布影响较大,0-2cm范围内尤为强烈(7.16-10.81),其他高度层(2-20 cm)的影响相对较小(0-2.95)。

更多网络解释与Magnus相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adductor magnus:内收大肌

adductor longus | 内收长肌 | adductor magnus | 内收大肌 | adductor pollicis | 内收拇指肌

adductor magnus:大收肌

adductor brevis 短收肌 | adductor magnus 大收肌 | biceps femoris 股二頭肌

magnus effect:马格奴士效应

磁振子间散射 magnon-magnon scattering | 马格奴士效应 Magnus effect | 马格奴士力 Magnus force