英语人>词典>英汉 : Lao-tzu的中文,翻译,解释,例句



老子(中国哲学家, 道家的创始人)

更多网络例句与Lao-tzu相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This chapter is divided into three sections, section I, for the analysis of "Lao Zi" annotator in Qing Dynasty in the impact of three religions, it was agreed that "eliminate emotion and regress to humanity" idea. Section II to illustrate mainly the traditional "Lao Zi" annotation in Qing Dynasty, the impact in Western countries began to accept the idea of Western Ideas, output the first "Lao Zi" annotation base on Western Ideas –Yan Fu "Ping Dian Lao Zi"; Section III of "freedom, democracy, equality", to discuss Yan Fu think "Lao Zi" already have many of the modern social values:"free","equality","teamwork".


The Lao'Jin pride themselves on archery and swordsmanship.


On 2-3 May, Brigade No.7 leader Maj-Gen Gaifa and commander Col Lao Gawn went to the First brigade for a meeting with its leader Pang Fa.

5月2-3日,第七旅领导人Gaifa少校和师令Col Lao Gawn与第一旅领导人 Pang Fa进行会晤。

更多网络解释与Lao-tzu相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Being involved:吃挂落(lao)儿:受连累,受牵连

刺儿头:好挑剔的人. Prickly pear | 吃挂落(lao)儿:受连累,受牵连. Being involved | 戳着:站着. Stand still

Being involved:吃挂落(lao)儿:受拖累,受株连

刺儿头:好挑剔的人. Prickly pear | 吃挂落(lao)儿:受拖累,受株连. Being involved | 戳着:站着. Stand still

Being involved:吃瓜落(lao)儿:受连累,受牵连

刺儿头:好挑剔的人. Prickly pear | 吃瓜落(lao)儿:受连累,受牵连. Being involved | 戳着:站着. Stand still