英语人>词典>英汉 : Issei的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

Issei ['i:s'sei]



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The children of the Issei were called Nisei, which means "second generation" in Japanese.

孩子们的一生被称为 Nisei ,这意味着"第二代"在日本。

Unlike their Issei parents, the Nisei were Americans by virtue of being born in the United States, and they adopted American language and customs more easily.

不同的是一成父母, Nisei人是美国人,由于出生在美国,他们通过美国的语言和风俗更容易。

A series of laws passed in the early twentieth century tried to stop immigration from Japan by preventing Issei from applying for naturalization and owning land in California.


Chapter 1 deals with Mori, whose Yokohama, California "has long been recognized as a pioneering effort to record the voice of the Issei in the rhythms and sensibility of their time before the war."


He compared the Lil\' Yokohama to any other part of the United States, describing in exact detail the quotidian life of Issei and Nisei Japanese, and recording multiple aspects of this community.


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inrro 小漆盒 | issei 第一代移居美国或美洲的日本人 | itai-itai 镉中毒


世SEI; SE; yo; generation; world; society; public | 一世issei; a lifetime; a generation; foreign immigrant; Japanese immigrant to the USA | 一世一代isseichidai; once in a lifetime

Issei Ogata:尾形一成

黑谷友香 Tomoka Kurotani | 尾形一成 Issei Ogata | 田中裕子 Y?ko Tanaka

Suda Issei:須田一政

■ 鈴木光雄 / Suzuki Mitsuo | ■ 須田一政 / Suda Issei | ■ 須田誠 / Suda Makoto

Araki Issei:荒木一成

Aragaki Takeshi 新垣武 | Araki Issei 荒木一成 | Araki Masako 荒木真子(女)

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