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Eastern Orthodox Church的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Eastern Orthodox Church

Eastern Orthodox Church的基本解释


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According to the religious belief, we could know that the majority of the collegian was the followers to the Orthodox Eastern Church.


One of the three branches of world Christianity and the major Christian church in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, the Orthodox church, also sometimes called the Eastern church, or the Greek Orthodox, or Orthodox Catholic church, claims to have preserved the original and apostolic Christian faith.


The New Testament was written in the Koine and it is usedby the Eastern Orthodox Church through the present day.


The New Testament was written in the Koine and it is used by the Eastern Orthodox Church through the present day.


Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Roman Catholic Church commemorate the beheading of John the Baptist with a feast day .


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Orthodox Eastern Church:东正教

新/耶酥教 Protestantism | 东正教 Orthodox Eastern Church | 希腊正教 Greek Orthodox Church

the orthodox eastern church:东正教

天主教(Catholicism)、东正教(the Orthodox Eastern Church)和新教(Protestantism)是基督教的三个主要教派. 基督教是世界上第一大宗教,其信徒约有18亿人,与伊斯兰教和佛教并称世界三大宗教. 基督教产生之后,在罗马帝国境内,由于地理、历史、文化和政治等方面的原因,

the orthodox eastern church:天主教

东珠花园:Eastern Pearl Garden | 天主教:the Orthodox Eastern Church | 汉晋:Han and Jin Dynasties

Eastern Orthodox Church:东正教

东正教(Eastern Orthodox Church)是基督教其中的一个派别,主要是指依循由东罗马帝国所流传下来的基督教传统的教会 东罗马帝国的势力范围就是你说的希腊和东欧地区咯.

Eastern Orthodox Church:东正教教会

eastern front 东线 | Eastern Orthodox Church 东正教教会 | Eastern Question 东方问题

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