英语人>词典>英汉 : Coccinellidae的中文,翻译,解释,例句




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The genetic distance a mong different splash types of H.axyridis was 0.0021 to 0.0328 The aver age gene tic distance was 0.0193 The molecular phylogenetic tree suggested that the me mb ers with the same elytron color were grouped together with high bootstrap confid ence values, showing low diversity among the populations. H. axyridis ab. luna t a Hem and H.axyridis var. spectabilis Fald were most closely related. H.ax yridis var. axyridis Pallas was a primordial population of coccinellidae, which wa s differentiated earlier than the other populations.


Consideration on various grounds has led to the inclusion of three new species ofladybeetles in the Coccinellidae fascicle of the Economic Series of the Chinese InsectFauna, now going to the press.


The ladybird beetle,Harmonia axyridis Pallas,is mainly distributed in Asia.It is a highly polymorphic Coccinellidae with a wide geographic,thus lots of taxonomies for Harmonica exist.


The 9 common used insecticides of cypermethrin 4.5%EC, omethoate 40%EC, chlorpyrifos 40%EC, acetamiprid 3%EC, imidacloprid 10%EC provided excellent control for wheat aphids in fields. The control effects were over 90% at 7 days after spraying. The 9 insecticides had bad effects on aphidius and coccinellidae in three days after spraying and the number of two natural enemies decreased rapidly. But on the 7th day, the number of the two natural enemies increased and there were difference between those treated with imidacloprid, acetamiprid and abamectin and CK. BT had no evident difference compared to the control.


There are a total of 34,782 individuals belonging to 15 orders, 102 families were found in this study. And the dominant groups among them were Myriapoda、Lycosidae、Miridae、Delphacidae、Cicadellidae、Aphidoidea、Margarodidae、Geometridae、Noctuidae、Olethreutidae、Braconidae、Chrysopidae、Coccinellidae.


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鞘翅目(Coleoptera)瓢虫科(Coccinellidae)甲虫,约5,000种,分布广泛. 它有个很好听的英文名字叫做"Lady bug",这个名称源於中世纪时被献给圣母玛利亚,当时名为'beetleofOurLady'. 光看这个名字就知道它在人们心中是多么优雅可爱的一种昆虫了~


瓢甲科(Coccinellidae),体呈半球形. 色艳,常有明显黑斑点. 头小,嵌入前胸内;复眼大,触角11节,棍棒状,末3节膨大. 跗节为隐4节(即第3跗节小,隐于第2跗节间). 大多数为益虫,成虫与幼虫均捕食蚜虫,也有植食性种类. 约1800种,

Coccinellidae:第十三节 瓢虫科

第十二节 肖叶甲科Eumolpidae | 第十三节 瓢虫科Coccinellidae | 第十四节 叩甲科Elateridae


(九)大覃甲科 Erotylidae | (十)瓢虫科 Coccinellidae | 黄斑盘飘虫 Coelophora saucia Mulsant

Coccinellidae Latreille:瓢甲科

[71DJ]皮坚甲科 Cerylonidae Billberg, 1820 1 | [71DK]瓢甲科 Coccinellidae Latreille, 1807 5 | [71DL]伪瓢虫科 Endomychidae Leach, 1815 4

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