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B horizon的中文,翻译,解释,例句

B horizon

B horizon的基本解释


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Conventionally the layers have been divided into A, B and C horizons. The A horizon is the upper layer, containing humus and is leached and,or eluviated of many minerals. The B horizon forms a zone of deposition and is enriched with clay minerals and iron,aluminium oxides from the A layer. The C layer is the parent material for the present soil and may be partially weathered rock, transported glacial or alluvial material or an earlier soil.


A hardened soil horizon, usually in the middle or lower part of a soil profile, A hardpen is typical of PODSOLS, where iron compounds leached from the upper layers accumulate in the B horizon, staining it red-brown and forming an impermeable layer that can prevent drainage, resulting the in waterlogging of higher horizons.

硬质地层是一种典型的灰壤,其中铁的化合物从上层土壤中渗出,在 B 层中聚集,使得土壤呈现棕红色,构成了极难透过水的土层,这种地层的存在使上层的土层更易发生水涝。

It indicates that the fluoride source is mainly from clay used as a binder, the fluoride level in B horizon is high.


Start off9. Take this course, and it will broaden your ___ .A. horizon B. capability C. foresight D. maturity10. In my opinion this painting is ___ good.


Horizon B, the subsoil, contains materials washed down from above and may be mottled with various colors depending on the iron compounds present.

B 水平层,是亚土层,内含从上层冲刷下来的物质,而且这些物质因为含铁量不同会呈现出斑驳的色彩。

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更多网络解释与B horizon相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

illuvial horizon b:层

illusion 错觉 | illuvial horizon b层 | ilness 疾病

illuvial horizon b:层,淀积层

illuminating gas 可燃气体 | illuvial horizon B层,淀积层 | illuvial soil 淀积土

horizon b:淀积层

horizon 层 | horizon b 淀积层 | horizon refraction 水平折射

tillage doesn't reach the B horizon:耕不到B层土

tillage crop ==> 中耕作物 | tillage doesn't reach the B horizon ==> 耕不到B层土 | tillage equipment ==> 耕作设备