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Through the argument, we can see that "Allais paradox" has an important influence on the development of expected utility theory.


The traditional mathematical expectation also results in the problem which puzzled the economist many years such as the Allais paradox and the Ellesberg paradox ...


Many tests, such as the famous example "Allais paradox", indicate that human's actual choices may frequently violate expected utility theory.


In the year of 1954 French scientist Maurice Allais found an unexplained phenomenon: in observing total solar eclipse, Allais found that a pendulum swing plane suddenly changed the direction of motion, that is, when the Earth, the sun and the moon are in a straight line, the law of motion in space will be changed.


To govern the aggravating stream pollution ,both central and local governments disclosed various stimulating measures,which became the allais's Paradox of System Stimulation instead of introducing positive effects.


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1987 Solow 经济长期增长理论 | 1988 Allais 市场与货币作用理论 | 1989 Havelmo "现代计量经济学之父"

Allais Paradox:阿莱悖论

其实,早在1988年,莫里斯.阿莱(Maurice Allais)就因著名的"阿莱悖论"(Allais Paradox)而获得了诺贝尔经济学奖,标志着实验经济学已经得到了学界的认同.

Allais Paradox:亞列士矛盾

Alimony 赡养费 | Allais paradox 亚列士矛盾 | Allocative efficiency 分配效率

Allais, Paul-Prosper:亚雷

亚钦伯德 Archimbaud, Arys | 亚雷 Allais, Paul-Prosper | 亚齐 Ache, Jean

Maurice Allais:莫里斯.阿莱斯

1988年 法国人莫里斯-阿莱斯(Maurice Allais) 获奖理由:在市场理论及资源有效利用方面做出了开创性贡献,并对一般均衡理论重新做了系统阐述. 1987年 美国人罗伯特-索洛(Robert M. Solow) 获奖理由:对增长理论做出贡献.

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