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Achilles tendon的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Achilles tendon

Achilles tendon的基本解释

[医] 跟腱

更多网络例句与Achilles tendon相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the biomechanics of Achilles tendon in vivo.


Methods:32 cases of closed rupture of the achilles tendon admitted from 1983 to 1998 were studied retrospectively.


There is a chance Dabo who has been suffering from an Achilles tendon problem will recover in time for the match.


Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of achilles tendon laceration by MR images.

目的 研究人体跟腱病变的磁共振成像的临床实用价值。

Objective To investigate the effect of sodium hyaluronate on clinical results after repair of ruptured achilles tendon.

目的 研究局部使用透明质酸钠对跟腱断裂修复术后疗效的影响。

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Achilles tendon:跟腱

足部含有一些指压点,被认为与骨盆部位的气路相连. 在脚踝双边的凹陷处,皆有指压点. 轻轻地用拇指与其他指尖捏后,延着 跟腱(Achilles tendon)而上,直至小腿肌. 右脚作完, 换左脚,各 指压数分钟.

Achilles tendon:阿基里斯腱

如果是脚跟接触地面的地方痛,可先当足底筋膜炎处理,在压痛点针灸针上面燃艾粒,如果在脚跟后方和阿基里斯腱(Achilles tendon)连接点痛及下方的跟腱囊发炎,可先用针灸治疗,针刺在跟腱上是可以的,

Achilles tendon:阿基麗斯腱

Abdomen-腹部 | Achilles Tendon-阿基麗斯腱 | Albino-白化病

Achilles tendon:踵腱

\\"踵腱反射时间\\",\\"achiles reflex time\\" | \\"踵腱\\",\\"achilles tendon\\" | \\"无臂鳎亚科\\",\\"Achirinae\\"

Achilles tendon reflex:跟腱反射

⑤ 跟腱反射(achilles tendon reflex)又称踝反射(ankle reflex) 患者仰卧,髋及膝关节屈曲,下肢取外旋外展位. 检查者左手将患者足部背屈成直角,以叩诊锤叩击跟腱,反应为腓肠肌收缩,足向跖面屈曲. 反射中枢为骶髓1~2节. ⑥ 阵挛(clonus) 锥体束以上病变,

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