英语人>词典>英汉 : Abdallah的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[地名] [突尼斯] 阿卜杜拉

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Marguerite van Geldermalsen is from Nelson, New Zealand. In 1978 she married Mohammad Abdallah and moved into his Nabataean cave.

Marguerite van Geldermalsen来自于纽西兰的纳尔逊。1978年,她嫁给了Mohammad Abdallah,并搬到了纳巴坦的洞穴与他住在一起。

Thus begins Marguerite van Geldermalsen's story of how a New Zealand- born nurse became the wife of Mohammad Abdallah Othman, a Bedouin souvenir-seller of the Manaja tribe, and lived with him - and their children - and a community of about one hundred families - in the ancient caves of Petra in Jordan.

Marguerite van Geldermalsen的故事就这样开始了,讲述了从小在纽西兰长大的护士是如何成为Mohammad Abdallah Othman的妻子的,及他们在约旦河皮特拉孩子们,还有一百多人亲属的生活故事。

Philippe Ségalot, an art advisor, Jose Mugrabi, a dealer who owns some 800 Warhols, Abdallah Chatila, a Lebanese collector, and two other Sotheby's staff members, Loic Gouzer and Bruno Vinciguerra, together nodded and waved the lot all the way up to its $39m hammer price.

一位艺术顾问--Philippe Ségalot,一位拥有大约800幅沃霍尔作品的承销商--Jose Mugrabi,一位来自黎巴嫩的收藏家--Abdallah Chatila,以及索斯比拍卖行的两位工作人员--Loic Gouzer和Bruno Vinciguerra,或频频举牌,或点头示意,将价格抬升至三千九百万美元的原定落锤价。

更多网络解释与Abdallah相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

McKAY, Don:唐.麦凯

ABDALLAH, Ahmedou OULD-;艾哈迈杜.乌尔德-阿卜杜拉;; | McKAY, Don;唐.麦凯;; | NGUNG, Sylvian;西尔维安.恩贡;;

LAOUANI, Othman:奥斯曼.拉瓦尼

Laotian Kip;老挝基普;; | LAOUANI, Othman;奥斯曼.拉瓦尼;; | LAOUARI, Abdallah;阿卜杜拉.拉乌里;;

ZAKI, Salah:萨拉赫.扎基

ZAKI, Akram;阿克兰.扎基;; | ZAKI, Salah;萨拉赫.扎基;; | ZAKRA, Khalil Abdallah;哈利勒.阿卜杜拉.扎赫拉;;