英语人>网络解释>十年 相关的搜索结果


与 十年 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A burnt child dreads fire


A burden of one's choice is not felt. 自己选的担子不嫌重. | A burnt child dreads fire. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳. | A candle lights ors and consumes itself. 蜡烛焚自身,光亮照别人.

Another friend of decades estranges himself


sinks under an anxiety she cannot with stand.沉沦在自己无法承受的焦... | Another friend of decades estranges himself另一位数十年的故友疏远了 | Let us stiffe under mud at the pond's edge让我们窒息与池沼...

Hoover feuded with the CIA for decades


33. a savage feud over drugs money.因争夺毒品所得的黑钱引起的残酷争斗. | 34. Hoover feuded with the CIA for decades.胡佛与中情局对抗了几十年. | 38. a feud between two families 两个家族之间的世仇

Passing Flickers


The Swift Sword (情俠追風劍) (1980) | Passing Flickers (三十年細說從頭) (1982) | Lovers Blades (神經大俠) (1982)

DECADES??" Ken gasped


"I don't know. Quite a lot. A few decades, maybe." / "我不知道. 相當很多. 數... | "DECADES??" Ken gasped. / "十年??"肯恩喘氣. | The mutant frowned at him, "You saw the stars." / 突變異種在他皺眉頭,"...

I've been mooching food for ten years

这十年来 我都顺走你的食物

You're eating healthy because you know I don't want to.|你吃这些... | I've been mooching food for ten years.|这十年来 我都顺走你的食物 | Now,either it suddenly started bothering you this week|现在 要么是...

The problem of illegal waste dumping has mushroomed in the last decade

非法倾倒垃圾的问题,在 最近十年来如雨后春笋

[04:09.72]Garbage is a necessary evi... | [04:12.55]The problem of illegal waste dumping has mushroomed in the last decade. ;非法倾倒垃圾的问题,在 最近十年来如雨后春笋. | [04:17.09]There's money in ga...

I've been petitioning to see it for about ten years


just after Galileo died.|梵蒂冈从荷兰查抄来的 | I've been petitioning to see it for about ten years.|我近十年来都在请求查看这份文件 | Ever since I realized what was in it.|自从我知道它里面的内容后



马英九总统在接受美国亚洲华尔街日报专访时指出,"两岸能否如大陆所期待的达成统一,端视未来"数十年"(decades)情势的发展". 这项说法,对于马总统所主张的"三不"(不统、不独、不武),是一项重要的补充,让人们更能了解他对发展两岸关系的理念.

For decades


There are many fish in the sea. 天涯何处无芳草 | For decades 数十年来 | College campuse 大学校园

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haulage device:拖曳设备;运输设备

haul road 运料路;拖运材料的道路 | haulage device 拖曳设备;运输设备 | hazardous slope 危险斜坡

Let sb. in:让某人进

8.be late for school上学迟到 | 9.let sb in让某人进 | 11.travel around the world环游世界

half-long vowel:半長元音

semi-rolled vowel 半抖音 | half-long vowel 半長元音 | semi-long vowel 半長元音