英语人>网络解释>wind 相关的网络解释
与 wind 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

when the wind or a current of air blows, it is moving; when it blows, the wind is blowing:刮;吹

He drew on his cigarette and blew out a stream of smoke... | when the wind or a current of air blows, it is moving; when it blows, the wind is blowing 颳;吹 | A cold wind blew from the east. 東邊吹來一...

A gust of wind blew my hat off:一阵风把我的帽子刮掉了

1.wind 风(泛指,普通用语). 例如: | A gust of wind blew my hat off.一阵风把我的帽子刮掉了. | The day was very still,without a breath of wind.天空十分平静,一点儿风也没有.

wind abaft:正船尾风

wind abaft the beam 后侧风 | wind abaft 正船尾风 | wind abeam 横风

high wind:强风

强弹性棒球/rabbit ball | 强风/fierce wind; high wind;hard wind; strong wind;fresh gale | 强光前灯/dazzle lamps

tail wind:[航海学]送尾风,顺风

67. stiff wind (或 breeze) 强风 | 68. stop someone's wind (或 the wind of someone) 使某人呼吸停止;使某人喘不过气来 | 69. tail wind [航海学]送尾风,顺风

wind power station:风电场

162 风力田 wind farm | 163 风电场 wind power station | 164 风廓线 ;风切变率 wind profile ; wind shear law

wind-borne sediments:风成沈积物

"wind-worn pebble; wind-carved pebble","风蚀砾" | "wind-borne sediments","风成沈积物" | "wind-channel","风道"

wind ripple:风雪纹

wind ridge 风脊;风分界 | wind ripple 风雪纹 | wind rose 风花图 wind run 风程

wind power plant;wind farm:风电场

风电机组防雷 lightning protection of WTG | 风电场 wind power plant;wind farm | 风场 wind site

wind direction indicator; wind indicator:风向指示器

吹送流;风流 wind current | 风向指示器 wind direction indicator; wind indicator | 风暴 windstorm

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Blowing Kisses In The Wind
When That Wild Wind Blows
Chase The Wind
The Weight Of The Wind
Strong Strong Wind
Blow Wind Blow
Roll With The Wind
It's Hard To Get Around The Wind
Wind Is Calling (Hush The Wind)
The Wind, The Wind




clue /线索/端倪/ | clues /线索/绪/ | clumb /严重冒顶/

Gunslinger Girl:神枪少女

>(GUNSLINGER GIRL)当初买下这部作品的台版漫画却一直没时间看,近几天才想起翻开看看. 平时也没什么时间,早晨上班路上的一个多小时是拿来看漫画的理想选择. 快到站而合上漫画之前,看完了欢乐颂这一话.