英语人>网络解释>themselves 相关的网络解释

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与 themselves 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

elect from among themselves:互选

互相印证 corroborate | 互选 elect from among themselves | 互争权利诉讼 interpleader proceedings

elect from among themselves:互选 <老西整理>

互相印证 corroborate | 互选 elect from among themselves | 互争权利诉讼 interpleader proceedings

WESTBANK elect from among themselves:互选

互相印证 WESTBANK corroborate | 互选 WESTBANK elect from among themselves | 互争权利诉讼 WESTBANK interpleader proceedings

Athletes must jog a lot to get themselves into shape and stay in shape:运动员一定要常期慢跑把身体锻炼好才能保持身体健康

5. The girl with shapely body is i... | 6. Athletes must jog a lot to get themselves into shape and stay in shape.运动员一定要常期慢跑把身体锻炼好才能保持身体健康. | 7. We need a manager who is in sha...

no one is glamorously lonely all by themselves:没有人只该孤芳自赏

take what they want and leave while it's still dark带走他们所需,趁着天黑离去 | no one is glamorously lonely all by themselves没有人只该孤芳自赏 | this is a song for the unloved这首歌属于被爱遗忘的人

Have spare time, dress themselves gorgeously, and do easy job:有时间,穿的打扮得美,做不太劳累的事情

作为羡慕的方式,女孩子大都喜欢呆在大城市,As for... | 有时间,穿的打扮得美,做不太劳累的事情,Have spare time, dress themselves gorgeously, and do easy job. | 这是一种生活方式,基本上可以随心所欲,It's a life...

just hurling themselves across the stage, I always say:只是在整个剧中极力表现他们自己

Nothing better than a couple of skimpily clad undergradua... | just hurling themselves across the stage, I always say.|只是在整个剧中极力表现他们自己 | Get me another highball. Right away, Governor.|- ...

They ignorantly attach themselves to particular objects:妄自愛著

法無異法 While in the Dharma itself there is no individuation, | 妄自愛著 They ignorantly attach themselves to particular objects. | 將心用心 It is their own mind that creates illusions -

Guess where the jaunty streams refresh themselves:猜猜欢乐的小溪在哪里恢复新生

Or by the bowery clefts, and leafy shelves, 或者来到... | Guess where the jaunty streams refresh themselves. 猜猜欢乐的小溪在哪里恢复新生. | I gazed awhile, and felt as light, and free 片刻凝眸间,我顿时...

men prepared themselves for Lysander:跟我們全部的人可以逃出這

strange howling sound, and as the 又被一堆石頭碎塊堵住,而且我不相信 | men prepared themselves for Lysander 跟我們全部的人可以逃出這 | another onslaught of the beasts 個地方 - 的確,他最近在工作上變得

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Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves
Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves
Weep Themselves To Sleep




clue /线索/端倪/ | clues /线索/绪/ | clumb /严重冒顶/

Gunslinger Girl:神枪少女

>(GUNSLINGER GIRL)当初买下这部作品的台版漫画却一直没时间看,近几天才想起翻开看看. 平时也没什么时间,早晨上班路上的一个多小时是拿来看漫画的理想选择. 快到站而合上漫画之前,看完了欢乐颂这一话.