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take a back seat相关的网络解释

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与 take a back seat 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I bought it on the spur of the moment:我心血来潮买下的

77. 一开始你只能先做个下手. You can take a back seat the first time. | 78. 我心血来潮买下的. I bought it on the spur of the moment. | 79. 别瞒我. Don''t keep me in the dark.

swith majors:转系

switch off 关掉 | swith majors 转系 | take a back seat 处于默默无闻的地位


take a back seat 让步 | Kiss-me-quick是野生三色堇的俗称 | American beauty是指"红蔷薇"

I bought it on spur of the moment:我心血来潮买下的

77. 一开始你只能先做个下手. You can take a back seat first time. | 78. 我心血来潮买下的. I bought it on spur of the moment. | 79. 别瞒我. Don''t keep me in dark.

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clue /线索/端倪/ | clues /线索/绪/ | clumb /严重冒顶/

Gunslinger Girl:神枪少女

>(GUNSLINGER GIRL)当初买下这部作品的台版漫画却一直没时间看,近几天才想起翻开看看. 平时也没什么时间,早晨上班路上的一个多小时是拿来看漫画的理想选择. 快到站而合上漫画之前,看完了欢乐颂这一话.