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Sturdy stand with storage shelf, fire-safety latching lid:坚固的立场与储存货架,消防安全闭锁盖子

Durable steel construction with corrosion-resistant fi... | Sturdy stand with storage shelf, fire-safety latching lid坚固的立场与储存货架,消防安全闭锁盖子 | Chrome flex-spout, easy-reach on/off switch铬...

Sturdy Hatchling:强固幼雛

Invert the Skies天地回轉 5 | Sturdy Hatchling 强固幼雛x2 10 | Selkie Hedge-Mage 設障海豹妖 20

EXTRA COMPACT EXTRA STURDY 55" PROFFESIONAL TRIPOD - Pearl White/ Gray:课外紧凑额外坚固55 " proffesional三脚架-珍珠白/灰

Features: 特... | EXTRA COMPACT EXTRA STURDY 55" PROFFESIONAL TRIPOD - Pearl White/ Gray课外紧凑额外坚固55 " proffesional三脚架-珍珠白/灰 | New Deluxe Schockproof weather proof Camera Carry-All Case新的...

Look for the sturdy tower on the rugger shore:仰眺雄塔矗峻滩

It is their utmost caring that saves. 谨驾慎驶已等闲. | Look for the sturdy tower on the rugger shore, 仰眺雄塔矗峻滩, | Whose nightly beam casts an unfailing ray, 昭危指害,


小鸡召唤者(Chicken Summoners) 最小负伤减少5-6% 驯鼠者(Hamster Tamers) 最小伤害减少5-6 A级释放卷轴 强健的(Sturdy) 头,脚,盾 等级15以上平衡增加3-5% 精密的(Strict)武器(除了裁缝工具和乐器) 等级26以上最大体力减少20,


"现在,看我的吧--"一个长得又粗又壮(sturdy)的汉子冲上去说,"我将要做的事,才是最叫人不敢相信的!" 他抡起一把斧头,对着那件举世无双的艺术品砍去,只听"劈啪"一阵响,齿轮和弹簧四处乱飞,顷刻之间就把什么都毁掉了! 在场的人都惊呆了.

sturdy:强健的, 坚定的, 毫不含糊的

stuffing box填充体 | sturdy 强健的, 坚定的, 毫不含糊的 | substantial 坚固的, 实质的, 真实的, 充实的


Stiff 僵硬的 | Sturdy 结实的 | Substance 物质

Sturdy wings:乘风之翼

Because sometimes in life, everybody needs...|因为有时在生活中,每个人都需要 | Sturdy wings!|乘风之翼! | A little lovin' yeah, yeah, yeah|一点点爱心,耶,耶,耶

sturdy construction:结构坚固

用料上乘 selected material | 结构坚固 sturdy construction | 经久耐用 structural durabilities

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make one's point:证明一个论点

535make a mess of把...弄脏;把...弄糟 | 536make one's point证明一个论点 | 537make the point证明一个论点


在各类细.变形杆菌检验 变形杆菌(Proteus)在自然界分布极广,人和动物的粪便带菌很高,各类食品及用具等均可检出,虽是常见的腐生细菌,但在严重污染的食物中,通过生长繁殖后,.

storage ring:儲存環 =存儲環

storage battery 累積器 =蓄電池 | storage ring 儲存環 =存儲環 | stosszahlansatz 分子混沌= 分子混沌擬設