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与 stamp 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Stamp Stock Book:邮票插簿

邮票目录 Postage Stamp Catalogue | 邮票插簿 Stamp Stock Book | 邮票贴簿 Stamp Album

stamp duty rate:印花税税率

stamp duty on stock transfers 股票交易印花税 | stamp duty rate 印花税税率 | stamp duty relief 印花税宽免

stamp duty rate:印花税税率tud中国学习动力网

stamp duty on stock transfers 股票交易印花税tud中国学习动力网 | stamp duty rate 印花税税率tud中国学习动力网 | stamp duty relief 印花税宽免tud中国学习动力网

stamp duty relief:印花税宽免

stamp duty rate 印花税税率 | stamp duty relief 印花税宽免 | Stamp Office 印花税署(税务局)

stamp machine:邮票自动售卖机

stamp duty 印花税 | stamp machine 邮票自动售卖机 | stamp on 扑灭

stamp perforating machine:邮票打孔机

stamp pad 印台 | stamp perforating machine 邮票打孔机 | stamp washer 槌式洗呢机

stamp mill:捣矿机,捣臼,模锻工厂,捣矿厂

"捣矿槌","stamp hammer" | "捣矿机,捣臼,模锻工厂,捣矿厂","stamp mill" | "模锻工作,模锻件","stamp work"

Stamp tax:印花税

报道中的"stamp tax on stock trading"指的就是"股票交易印花税",也可写作"stamp tax on securities trading". 它是从普通"印花税"(stamp tax)发展而来的,是专门针对股票交易发生额征收的一种税.

stamp tax payable account:印花税应付科目

stamp tax 印花税 | stamp tax payable account 印花税应付科目 | stamp tax receivable account 印花税应收科目

tax stamp:印花税

food stamp 食品券 | tax stamp 印花税 | stamp on the document 在文件上盖章

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Stamp Your Feet
Stamp Of Love
Stamp Reject
Postage Stamp World
Embarrassed Teen Accidentally Uses Valuable Rare Postage Stamp


美子弥勒(miroku)声优:士谷耕史珊瑚(sango) 声优:桑岛法子奈落(naraku) 声优:森川智之杀生丸(sesshoumaru) 声优:成田剑剣玲(rin) 声优:能登麻美子邪见(jaken) 声优:长岛雄一让.雷诺饰演的休伯特(Hubert)是巴黎的一位刑警,

a large number of:许多

31. a number of一些 | 32. a large number of许多 | 33. be successful in business在生意上成功

