英语人>网络解释>son 相关的网络解释
与 son 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Drop it, son. Step back away from my lawyer:缴械,离我律师远一点

Hey. I got plenty of room on my wall for another head.|我墙上还够挂下... | Drop it, son. Step back away from my lawyer.|缴械,离我律师远一点 | I should just point out that even if you kill me,|我想我该补...

I am Prince Nuada Silverlance, son of King Balor:我是努阿达王子,银之枪,巴洛国王之子

Sir, please identify yourself. You can't just..... | I am Prince Nuada Silverlance, son of King Balor.|我是努阿达王子,银之枪,巴洛国王之子 | And I am here, sir, to reclaim what is rightfully mine.|我来这...

bastard; lit. turtle son:龟儿子

龟孙子 bastard; lit. turtle grandson | 龟儿子 bastard; lit. turtle son | 戴绿帽子 to be a cuckold

Beloved son:被宠爱的儿子. (beloved,深爱的,所深爱的人. )

The water gets hot. 水变热了. | Beloved son. 被宠爱的儿子. (beloved,深爱的,所深爱的人. ) | Affectionate mother. 满怀慈爱的母亲.

Beloved son:亲爱的儿子

9. Beloved Mother 亲爱的妈妈 | 10. Beloved Son 亲爱的儿子 | 11. Beloved Daughter 亲爱的女儿

Beloved son:被宠爱的儿子

The water gets hot. 水变热了. | Beloved son. 被宠爱的儿子. | Affectionate mother. 满怀慈爱的母亲.

Beloved son:爱子

91.Barabbas 巴拉巴 | 101.beloved son 爱子 | 102.Belshazzar 伯沙撒

who had the foresight to betroth her to his rich cousin's eldest son in Genoa:他真有远见,把她许配给热那亚 最有钱的表亲的大儿子

Much thanks to your fa... | who had the foresight to betroth her to his rich cousin's eldest son in Genoa.|他真有远见,把她许配给热那亚 最有钱的表亲的大儿子 | Listen to this. "Mystery transvestite at un...

bewitch son:蛊惑仔

有杀无赔 have kill nothing pay for | 蛊惑仔 bewitch son | 吃屎啦 eat feces la

The son of a bitch. The blackmailer:丢黑函的混蛋

You know... who who is?|你知道他是谁? | The son of a bitch. The blackmailer.|丢黑函的混蛋 | I know who he is.|我知道他是谁

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Somebody's Son
Son Of A Bitch
Welcome My Son
Native Son
Son Of The South
Son Of A Son Of A Sailor
Son Of A Rebel Son
A Mhic Dhùghaill 'ic Ruairidh (Son Of Dougal, Son Of Ruairidh)
Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
Son My Son

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy