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与 soaring 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

soapy clay:皂土

soapsuds method 皂沫法 | soapy clay 皂土 | soaring flight 翱翔飞行

sob out:哭诉

soaring 高耸的 | sob out 哭诉 | sob story 悲剧

with the screen-sized flag, the square-jawed saluting marine:都加入满屏飘扬的国旗、神情肃穆 巍然致礼的陆战队士兵

You guys sold it. Your network led every repo... | with the screen-sized flag, the square-jawed saluting marine|都加入满屏飘扬的国旗、神情肃穆 巍然致礼的陆战队士兵 | and the bald eagle soaring to Aaron ...

Absolute Sydeny:绝对悉尼

65 翱翔新西兰 Soaring in Newzealand | 66 绝对悉尼 Absolute Sydeny | 67 聆听巴厘岛 Listen to Bali

pour oil on troubled waters:平息事态

pot calling the kettle black 五十步笑百步 | pour oil on troubled waters 平息事态 | prices are soaring 物价飞涨

A darting swallow:燕子穿梭似箭

A soaring skylark in the sky, 云雀高飞天际 | A darting swallow; 燕子穿梭似箭; | And where pale blossom 昨日一树黄花好,

snuff out the remaining embers of a fire:灭掉仍在冒烟燃烧的灰烬

snobbery n. 势利 | snuff out the remaining embers of a fire 灭掉仍在冒烟燃烧的灰烬 | soaring demand 急剧增加的需求

sneak in:偷偷进入

side-effect n.副作用 | sneak in 偷偷进入 | soaring adj.急剧上升的

Vast dispels the demarcation line:浩瀚消解掉界线

高远呼唤心灵翅膀 Remote calling for spiritual wings | 浩瀚消解掉界线 Vast dispels the demarcation line | 白云清风自由自在的飞翔 White clouds and gentle breeze are freely soaring


乘滑翔机gliding soaring | 跳伞运动parachuting | 骑马运动equestrian sport

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astrologic:占星术的, 占星学的

astrologian | 占星家, 占卜师 占星学的 | astrologic | 占星术的, 占星学的 | astrological | 占星的, 占星术的

Ground Bounce:接地跳动

以决定是否使该转态输出信号还原为该内部信号,并提供给一第二芯片使用;利用该信号跳动防止装置,可以低成本且具弹性的方式,达成防止该第一芯片产生电源跳动(power bounce)或接地跳动(ground bounce)的问题.


comprador 买办 | compreg 胶合夹板 | comprehend 领会