英语人>网络解释>shoulder 相关的网络解释

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与 shoulder 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a cold shoulder:冷淡

straight from the shoulder 直截了当地,一针见血地 | a cold shoulder 冷淡 | a chip on one"s shoulder 好斗

shoulder eyebolt:带肩吊环螺栓

shoulder block 带肩滑车(滑车上端具有凸出部分 | shoulder eyebolt 带肩吊环螺栓 | shoulder gun 轻便抛绳枪

shoulder eyebolt:有肩环首螺栓

肩,根面(熔接) shoulder | 有肩环首螺栓 shoulder eyebolt | 有肩螺钉 shoulder screw

shoulder eyebolt:轴肩有眼螺栓

shoulder effect (由肩颈现象而产生的作用)肩颈效应 | shoulder eyebolt 轴肩有眼螺栓 | shoulder girdle 肩胛带,胸带

shoulder hinder:肩垫式轧梭板

"挂肩提包","shoulder handbag" | "肩垫式轧梭板","shoulder hinder" | "肩线长","shoulder length"

look over sb.'s shoulder:在一旁注视着某人

He looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was following him. 他向四周扫视... | look over sb.'s shoulder在一旁注视着某人: | I don't like people to look over my shoulder while I am typing. 我打字的时候...

shoulder meltability/ melting degree of shoulder:上缘熔化度

切割面质量quality of cut face | 上缘熔化度shoulder meltability/ melting degree of shoulder | 切口角kerf angle

shoulder belt:肩带; 安全肩带

shoulder 肩负, 担任, 负担; 用肩推挤 (动) | shoulder belt 肩带; 安全肩带 | shoulder blade 肩胛骨

shoulder safety belt:肩安全带

shoulder ring 轴肩挡圈 | shoulder safety belt 肩安全带 | shoulder screw 带肩螺钉,有肩螺钉

shoulder blade; scapula:肩胛骨

\\"肩号\\",\\"shoulder marker\\" | \\"肩胛骨\\",\\"shoulder-blade,scapula\\" | \\"肩带\\",\\"shoulder-girdle\\"

第2/87页 首页 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Cold Shoulder
Leaning On My Shoulder
Soft Shoulder
Put Your Head On My Shoulder
Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder)
Devil On My Shoulder
This Shoulder
There's A Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder
Shoulder To Shoulder
Shoulder To Shoulder

spirit varnish:挥发清漆

spirit stove 酒精炉 | spirit varnish 挥发清漆 | spirit 烈性酒

breechblock bushing:炮闩轴衬

breech-loading | 后膛装填的, 后装式的 | breechblock bushing | 炮闩轴衬 | breechblock | 尾栓, 闩体, 螺体


Agreeing 同意 | Disagreeing 不同意 | Focusing attention 集中注意力