英语人>网络解释>seriously 相关的网络解释

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与 seriously 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

take sth. as a joke:把. . . 当成笑话

尽情的玩、have fun | 把. . . 当成笑话,take sth. as a joke | 认真对待某人、事,take ... seriously at sth.

Not as good as:看起来不如

Seriously.|认真点 | Not as good as...|看起来不如... | He descended from the House of Lancaster.|他可是兰卡斯特家族的后裔子孙

Yeah, as it happens, we took:是的 开始的时候 我们

...and prepare for the interviews.|为访谈做准备 | Yeah, as it happens, we took...|是的 开始的时候 我们 | ...the whole question of security very seriously.|很认真的对待整个安全问题

It's just that when I petition Division to have counsel assigned:不,只是我请求师部指派律师时

Have I done something wrong?|我做错什么了吗... | It's just that when I petition Division to have counsel assigned...|不,只是我请求师部指派律师时... | I was hoping I'd be taken seriously.|还指望会被认真对...

he was to blame for driving at top speed:他驾车超速

重伤:be seriously injured | 他驾车超速:he was to blame for driving at top speed. | 车速太快:he drove at too high a speed.

I have a lot to attend to tonight. attend to:注意,照顾

How about you give it to me straight? 不如你直截了当的告诉我怎... | I have a lot to attend to tonight. attend to=注意,照顾 | I checked my balance online,it's looking seriously deficient. Dificient=缺乏的...

be firmly convinced that education pays:坚信受教育是有益的

take education seriously 重视教育 | be firmly convinced that education pays 坚信受教育是有益的 | borrow heavily from the western traditions in education 在教育上大量借鉴西方惯例

Diagnostician or boo-boo fixer:诊断师还是医生叔叔呢

He is a brilliant diagnostician!|他是医术高明的诊断师! | Diagnostician or boo-boo fixer?|诊断师还是医生叔叔呢? | Seriously, you gotta go to an appropriate doctor.|真的,你应该去看适合你的医生才对

(to) blow something - to spoil or botch something:搞砸了某事

beside the point - not relevant; not important 这个不是重点 | (to) blow something - to spoil or botch something 搞砸了某事 | (to) buckle down - to start working seriously 开始认真的做某事

give Rachel another chance to dress up like Princess Bubble Yum:再给瑞秋一次 扮成口香糖公主的机会

Well, I think you should seriously consider the marriage thing,|我认为你应... | give Rachel another chance to dress up like Princess Bubble Yum.|再给瑞秋一次 扮成口香糖公主的机会 | Where's Benny?|班尼在...

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Dave Has A Problem... Seriously
How Can You Expect To Be Taken Seriously?

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子