英语人>网络解释>seriously 相关的网络解释

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与 seriously 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sour cream Sanchez:酸奶油

Seriously.|认真点 | Sour cream Sanchez!|酸奶油Sanchez! | Ol?|噢?

Carl, meet Queen Victoria:卡尔, 见见维多利亚女王

Seriously?|真的? | Carl, meet Queen Victoria.|卡尔, 见见维多利亚女王. | Van Helsing, Queen Victoria is a worthy matron of a certain age.|凡赫辛, 维多利亚女王是某个年代的值得尊敬的女士.

I am. - We'll save it for a rainy day:我很放松 -只是留着自己用

Come on. It's for us. Come on, relax.|来吧,自用的 来吧,放松 | - I am. - We'll save it for a rainy day.|-我很放松 -只是留着自己用 | - Or a rainy month. - Come on, seriously.|-以备不时之需 -来吧,我认真...

He said he always hangs out after work at the City Supper Club:他说下班后经常去City Supper俱乐部玩

Seriously, stop.|说真的 别打 | He said he always hangs out after work at the City Supper Club.|他说下班后经常去City Supper俱乐部玩 | Maybe I should do a little drive-by?|我需要假装路过进去看看吗?

statutory rape:小心犯强奸幼女罪

Seriously, look at her. You know she has that Scooby-Doo tongue.|说正经的,看看她 你知道她有史库比... | Statutory rape.|小心犯强奸幼女罪 | On the other hand, maybe she is too young.|再想想,可能她年纪确实...

These hands,these miracle,magical,lifegiving hands:这双救人无数,创造奇迹的手

[9:20.438]No,seriously. 不,说真的... | [9:27.514]These hands,these miracle,magical,lifegiving hands. 这双救人无数,创造奇迹的手 | [9:32.340]Just to be near them,touch them,maybe even lick one? 只要靠近,...

He doesn't seem traumatised. - Nah, he's just like that:他看起来不像受过伤-没有的事

I think he got traumatised by the Gulf War. He saw a lot of pe... | - He doesn't seem traumatised. - Nah, he's just like that.|-他看起来不像受过伤-没有的事 | The guy's seriously traumatised. Classic sh...

He is a doubting Thomas:他是个疑心很重的人

16. How is that possible? 那怎么可能呢? | 17. He is a doubting Thomas. 他是个疑心很重的人. | 18. I never take him too seriously. 我从来不把他的话当真.

Yeah. lt's bouncing around the web like|a beach ball at a Nickelback concert:当然 这片子在网上传的太疯了就像|充气球在尼克尔贝克演唱会上传来传去

Seriously?|真... | Yeah. lt's bouncing around the web like|a beach ball at a Nickelback concert.|当然 这片子在网上传的太疯了就像|充气球在尼克尔贝克演唱会上传来传去 | But that's not even the best part.|...

It's left-wing Labourite nonsense:那只是左翼工党党员的废话

Nobody takes them seriously.|每人会对此认真的 | It's left-wing Labourite nonsense.|那只是左翼工党党员的废话 | - Is it? - You know it is.|- 是吗? - 你知道是的

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Dave Has A Problem... Seriously
How Can You Expect To Be Taken Seriously?


美子弥勒(miroku)声优:士谷耕史珊瑚(sango) 声优:桑岛法子奈落(naraku) 声优:森川智之杀生丸(sesshoumaru) 声优:成田剑剣玲(rin) 声优:能登麻美子邪见(jaken) 声优:长岛雄一让.雷诺饰演的休伯特(Hubert)是巴黎的一位刑警,

a large number of:许多

31. a number of一些 | 32. a large number of许多 | 33. be successful in business在生意上成功

