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与 seriously 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He's just way too smart to take someone like you seriously:他只是太聪明了 不可能对你这样的人认真

You know, Stephen is a very smart man.|你要知道 Stephen是个很聪明的男人 | He's just way too smart to take someone like you seriously.|他只是太聪明了 不可能对你这样的人认真 | I mean...|我想说....

take sb. or sth. seriously:重视;认真对待

serve vt. 1.为......工作;为......服务 2.提供食物或饮料 3.招待,接待 | take sb. or sth. seriously 重视;认真对待 | be directed at 针对;把......作为重点

to take...seriously ph:認真看待某事

fictitious adj. 虛構的 | to take...seriously ph. 認真看待某事 | to take a liking to ph. 看中;喜愛上

It would redefine lame. Seriously. Are you ready to make history:这会把"愚蠢"这个词都重新定义一遍 你打算创造历史吗

Do you have any idea how lame that would soun... | It would redefine lame. Seriously. Are you ready to make history?|这会把"愚蠢"这个词都重新定义一遍 你打算创造历史吗 | She might have a point, sweethea...

wickedly ad. badly; seriously:厉害地

He has got a wicked mind. 他良心不好. | 5. wickedly ad. badly; seriously 厉害地 | My head aches wickedly. 我头痛得厉害.

Work carefully, seriously and initiatively:工作心智认真,谨慎细心,积极主动

态度: Attitude | ◆ 工作心智认真,谨慎细心,积极主动/Work carefully, seriously and initiatively | ◆ 工作效率高,责任心强,具有团队精神/ Work efficiently, with strong sense of responsibility and team spi...

And it really seriously crewed you up:这样的事深深地伤害了你

You saw all the attention she got while you were left alone, ignored.|你看到大家都关... | And it really seriously crewed you up.|这样的事深深地伤害了你 | - I do not have a relative... - Shut up!|- 我没有...

strongly opposed and seriously denounced:受到强烈反对和谴责

at the cost of adv. 以...为代价 | strongly opposed and seriously denounced 受到强烈反对和谴责 | seek personal interests 追求个人利益

he seriously endangers his own army. He is a deeply selfish man:他将自己的部队陷入极大的危险中. 他真是个极端自私的人

...crazed with grief over hi... | ...he seriously endangers his own army. He is a deeply selfish man.|他将自己的部队陷入极大的危险中. 他真是个极端自私的人 | Would you say the love between Achilles and...

English interfered with my life seriously:英语严重干扰了我的生活

it's known what will happen before it starts在开始之前我已经知道了结果会是... | English interfered with my life seriously英语严重干扰了我的生活 | I'm deeply into the sense of crisis我深深地陷入永恒的危机...

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Dave Has A Problem... Seriously
How Can You Expect To Be Taken Seriously?

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子