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与 saints 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lotus Agora:莲花座 阿高拉

Silver Saints 白银圣斗士 | Lotus Agora 莲花座 阿高拉 | Musca Dio 银蝇座 狄奥

Perseus Algol:英仙座 阿路高

Pavo Shiva 孔雀座 薛镖 | Perseus Algol 英仙座 阿路高 | Gold Saints 黄金圣斗士

And palm to palm is holy palmers'kiss:(掌心的密合远胜如亲吻)

For saints have hands that pilgrims'hands do touch,(神明的手本许信徒... | And palm to palm is holy palmers'kiss.(掌心的密合远胜如亲吻) | Romeo.Have not saints lips,and holy palmers too?(生下了嘴唇有什么...

the holy catholic church,the communion of saints:我信圣而公之教会;我信圣徒相通

牐 我信圣灵;I believe in the Holy Spirit, | 牐 我信圣而公之教会;我信圣徒相通;the holy catholic church,the communion of saints, | 牐 我信罪得赦免,the forgiveness of sins,

the holy catholic church,the communion of saints:神聖的天主教教會,共融的聖人

I believe in the Holy Ghost,我相信聖靈, | the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,神聖的天主教教會,共融的聖人, | the remission of sins,緩解的罪孽,

the holy catholic church,the communion of saints:罗马教廷的天主教教会共融的圣人

I believe in the Holy Ghost,我相信,在圣灵, | the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,罗马教廷的天主教教会共融的圣人, | the remission of sins,缓解捷联惯导系统,

Chapter 26 - Of the Communion of Saints:第26章 -的共融的聖人

Chapter 25 - Of the Church 第25章 -教會 | Chapter 26 - Of the Communion of Saints 第26章 -的共融的聖人 | Chapter 27 - Of the Sacraments (Ordinances) 第27章 -聖禮(條例)

Chapter 27 - Of the Communion of Saints:第27章 -的共融的聖人

Chapter 26 - Of the Church 第26章 -教會 | Chapter 27 - Of the Communion of Saints 第27章 -的共融的聖人 | Chapter 28 - Of Baptism and the Lord's Supper 第28章 -的洗禮和主的晚餐

I believe in the holy catholic church: the communion of saints:聖而公之教會,聖徒相通

我信聖靈;I believe in the Holy Ghost; | 聖而公之教會,聖徒相通;I believe in the holy catholic church: the communion of saints; | 罪得赦免;The forgiveness of sins;

the holy universal Church, the communion of the saints:圣而大公之教会、圣徒相通

8. 我信圣灵,I believe in the Holy Spirit, | 9. 圣而大公之教会、圣徒相通,the holy universal Church, the communion of the saints, | 10. 罪得赦免, The forgiveness of sins,

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The New Patron Saints And Angels
Heaven's Not For Saints
Drunks, Lovers, Sinners And Saints
Saints & Sinners
The Saints
Saints And Sinners
When The Saints Go Marching In
Prayers Of The Saints
The Harlot Ov The Saints


"油漆面积","Area,painting" | "围水面积","Area,ponding" | "港区","Area,port"

The grapes of warth:怒火之花

97.The searchers 搜索者 | 98.The grapes of warth 怒火之花 | 99.The wild bunch 日落黃沙

life time:寿命

利用介电质崩溃时间(Time to Breakdown)TBD 与外加电场(电压)的线性模型,作加速测试(Accelerated Test),对产品(介电质)寿命(Life Time)作一估算. 临时工程变更通知 (ECN)为工程师为了广泛收集资料,或暂时解决制程问题,而做的制程变更,