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与 rebuke 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


160. 反驳:retort,disprove,rebut,gainsay,rebuke | 161. 答复:reply,rejoinder | 162. 争论:controversy,argument,dispute,debate,squabble

condemnation, reprehension:过失,责备

542 blame vt. 谴责,责备 condemn, rebuke | 542 n. 过失,责备 condemnation, reprehension | 543 bland adj. 淡味的;无味的 mild;flavorless, tasteless


半冻结时间 强化盾(Scutum) 增加格挡机率 资料片新增 防御力强化60% 增加电系抗性35% 增加150点命中率 需求等级:35 增加最大伤害力35点 内藏之盾(Visceratuant) 最快格挡速度 保卫者(Defender) 增加格挡机率 资料片新增 死灵使技能级数增加2级 防御力强化80% 需求等级:28 增加80点生命力 魔龙的非难(Tiamat's Rebuke) 增

Sheol and Abaddon lie open before the LORD:阴间和灭亡尚在耶和华眼前

恨恶责备的,必致死亡. but one who hates a rebuke will die. | 11 阴间和灭亡尚在耶和华眼前, Sheol and Abaddon lie open before the LORD, | 何况世人的心呢? how much more human hearts!

in the metaphoric sense:在比喻的意义上

yell 呼喊,叫喊 | in the metaphoric sense 在比喻的意义上 | rebuke blush 训斥,斥责


rebuke 指责 | rebukeful 充满责备的 | rebulid 重新建立

rebury:再埋葬; 重新埋葬 (动)

rebuke 斥责, 非难, 指责 (动) | rebury 再埋葬; 重新埋葬 (动) | rebus 谜, 画谜 (名)

There is sever discipline for one who forsakes the way:舍弃正路的,必受严刑

追求公义的,为他所喜爱. but the loves the one who pursues right... | 10 舍弃正路的,必受严刑; There is sever discipline for one who forsakes the way, | 恨恶责备的,必致死亡. but one who hates a rebuke w...

Well meant are the wounds a friend inflicts:朋友加的伤痕出于忠诚

5 当面的责备,强如背地的爱情. Better is open rebuke than hidder lov... | 6 朋友加的伤痕出于忠诚;Well meant are the wounds a friend inflicts, | 仇敌连连亲嘴却是多余. but profuse are the kisses of an enem...

lips pouted:撅起嘴来

at rebuke of 指责 | lips pouted撅起嘴来 | avail oneself of 享受. .

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The Queen's Rebuke / The Crossing

astrologic:占星术的, 占星学的

astrologian | 占星家, 占卜师 占星学的 | astrologic | 占星术的, 占星学的 | astrological | 占星的, 占星术的

Ground Bounce:接地跳动

以决定是否使该转态输出信号还原为该内部信号,并提供给一第二芯片使用;利用该信号跳动防止装置,可以低成本且具弹性的方式,达成防止该第一芯片产生电源跳动(power bounce)或接地跳动(ground bounce)的问题.


comprador 买办 | compreg 胶合夹板 | comprehend 领会