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与 practical 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

practical response time:实用响应时间

power-fail circuit,电源故障电路 | practical response time,实用响应时间 | pre-conditioning time,预处理时间

Thorough, practical, and filled with sound advice:深入实际、充满健康忠告

Resorts, motels, and villas inside WDW and beyond度假村、别... | Thorough, practical, and filled with sound advice深入实际、充满健康忠告 | Tips by the thousands, plus descriptions, hours, costs数以千计的小...

practical statesmanship:经世致用

power struggle 权力斗争 | practical statesmanship 经世致用 | Pragmatic Sanction 国事诏书

actual; practical; real; real-life; realistic; subsistent; tough-minded:现实的

针对性pertinence; pertinency | 现实的actual; practical; real; real-life; realistic; subsistent; tough-minded | 精神上的numinous; spiritual

Well, it's a toss-up between the new roof- - Very practical:有点难以抉择,要么换个"新屋顶" - 很实际

- You really wanna know? - Hit me.|- 你真想知道? - 放马过... | - Well, it's a toss-up between the new roof- - Very practical.|- 有点难以抉择,要么换个"新屋顶" - 很实际 | And, uh- and a baby.|嗯,要么要个孩...

Practical cats, dramatical cats:(务实的猫,感人的猫)

作者:hotsnow | Practical cats, dramatical cats(务实的猫,感人的猫) | Pragmatical cats, fanatical cats(自负的猫,狂热的猫)

Many university stude- nts will minor in some practical courses:许多大学生都会副修一些 实用性的课程

Mei Lanfang was just given a minor part in a new play for his first... | Many university stude- nts will minor in some practical courses ;许多大学生都会副修一些 实用性的课程, | in order to get a good j...

practical end game:实用残局

排局 composed game, end game composition | 实用残局 practical end game | 胜局 winning game, won game

Auditions : A Practical Guide:试镜:实践指南

The Frantic Assembly Book of Devising Theatre 创意剧场汇... | Auditions : A Practical Guide 试镜:实践指南 Richard Evans Routledge 2009 | Contemporary Choreography : A Critical Reader 当代舞台舞蹈设计:批...

Practical experience belies this theory:实际经验证明这个理论是错误的

1445. His cheerful manner belied his real feelings. 他那快活的样子掩饰... | 1446. Practical experience belies this theory. 实际经验证明这个理论是错误的. | 1447. He has lost his belief in God. 他已不相...

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Practical Amanda
Practical Man
Absolutely Positively... Practical Jokes
Practical Arrangement

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy