英语人>网络解释>plunge 相关的网络解释

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与 plunge 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After more than a decade of domestic independence:在家中独当一面超过十年之后

Big wasn't the only one taking the plunge.|大人物不是唯一毅然投... | After more than a decade of domestic independence,|在家中独当一面超过十年之后 | Miranda had opened up to a relationship...|米兰达展开...

a sum of money:一笔钱

这里我简单介绍一下我的老婆:我老婆本来是个下岗工人,后经自己努力为中国2008年奥运会设计出了吉祥物(mascot),就成了一个名人(VIP),有了一笔钱(a sum of money)之后也下海(plunge into the commercial sea)经营起了网吧(internet bar),

The country plunged into civil war after the death of the president:例如

186. plunge into 使进入或陷入某种状态 | 例如:The country plunged into civil war after the death of the president. | take the plunge 采取大胆果断的措施

We take the plunge, take the dive:我们决意冒险

Those are moments so gloriously alive 那都是多么辉煌鲜活的时刻 | We take the plunge, take the dive 我们决意冒险 | Into the abyss 向无可探测的深渊

take the online plunge:投身于互联网,置身于网络

set up 设立,创立 | take the online plunge投身于互联网,置身于网络 | expand v. 扩大

steep fall (in price); slumps sharp fall; nose-dive; plunge:暴跌

拜金主义:money worship | 暴跌:steep fall (in price); slumps sharp fall; nose-dive; plunge | 工薪阶层:salaried person

Killer plunge... shorties:迷人的低胸领... 短裙

Super cute.|超可爱的 | Killer plunge... shorties,|迷人的低胸领... 短裙 | and leopard kicks.|和豹纹皮靴

battery; plunge:浸液电池[组]

"battery; plate","板极电池组;B电池组" | "battery; plunge","浸液电池[组]" | "battery; portable","手提电池[组]"

an act of jumping or diving into water; a quick swim:跳水;快速游泳

The company is planning a deeper plunge into the commercial market. 这家... | an act of jumping or diving into water; a quick swim 跳水;快速游泳 usually singular | He took the plunge into the deep end....

Collapse;crash;heavy decline;sharp fall;slump;sudden drop;nose-dive;plunge:暴跌

报复性关税Retaliatory duty;retaliatory tarrif;retaliatory custom... | 暴跌Collapse;crash;heavy decline;sharp fall;slump;sudden drop;nose-dive;plunge | 暴发户New rich;parvenu;cocktail;jumped-up people;u...

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Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy