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与 plunge 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

plunge bath:大浴池

plunderer 抢掠者 | plunge bath 大浴池 | plunge 前后颠簸;插进

plunge into water:跳入水中

704 plunge 跳水,游水 | 705 plunge into water 跳入水中 | 706 polar bear 冬泳者

plunge plunge into:投入,陷入

pessimistic 悲观的 | plunge plunge into 投入,陷入 | precautions precautions against 预防,防备

e.g. plunge into:跳入, 冲进; 闯进

8. plunge n. 跳进, 投入 vi. / vt. 投入, 跳进, 陷入 | e.g. plunge into 跳入, 冲进; 闯进 | 9. mission n. 使命, 任务, 使团, 代表团

Plunge pool:瀑布下的水潭

plunge into 投入 | plunge pool 瀑布下的水潭 | plunge 跳进

plunge pool weir:消力塘尾堰

plunge pool,消力塘 | plunge pool weir,消力塘尾堰 | stilling basin,静水池

plunge pool wier:消力塘尾堰

plunge pool 消力塘 | plunge pool wier 消力塘尾堰 | point of view 观点,意见


plotter 绘图机 | plunge 翻孔 | plunge 投入

Plunge grinding:切入式削法,全面进磨法,成形磨削,横磨

plunge cut 切入式削法,全面进给法 | plunge grinding 切入式削法,全面进磨法,成形磨削,横磨 | plunge method 切入法

plunge battery:浸液电池

plunge angle ==> 俯角 | plunge battery ==> 浸液电池 | plunge cut ==> 切入式削法,全面进给法

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rosin spirit:松脂醇; 松香精

rectified spirit精馏酒精 | rosin spirit松脂醇; 松香精 | rye spirit黑麦酒精

Funeral home prep rooms are filled with toxic chemicals. - And cadavers:殡仪准备室充满了有毒化学剂 - 和尸体

- That was amber. - Nice try,cutthroat bi... | - Funeral home prep rooms are filled with toxic chemicals. - And cadavers.|- 殡仪准备室充满了有毒化学剂 - 和尸体 | Everybody in that place obviously died ...

AMP amplitude:振幅,幅度

AMP Amplifier 放大器,扩大器 | AMP Amplitude 振幅,幅度 | AMPA Adaptive Multibeam Phased Array 自适应多波束相控阵