英语人>网络解释>permanently 相关的网络解释

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与 permanently 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Permanently mounted to American-made 3/4" hose bibb:永久安装在美国制造的3 / 4 "软管比伯

Features: 特点: | Permanently mounted to American-made 3/4" hose bibb永久安装在美国制造的3 / 4 "软管比伯 | Editorial Review: 编辑审查:

permanently convergent series:永久收敛级数

periphery 周边 | permanently convergent series 永久收敛级数 | permissible error 容许误差

in reverse order is permanently right:逆序对

input argument 输入参数 | in reverse order is permanently right 逆序对 | in reverse order number 逆序数

moved permanently:永久移动

10.3.2 301 永久移动 (Moved Permanently) 请求资源被赋于一个新的永久的 URI,并且任何将来对此资源的引用都会利用此 301 状态响应 返回的 URI.具有链接编辑能力的客户端应该能自动把请求 URI 的引用转到到服务器返回的新 的引用下.此响应是能缓存的除非另外声明.

moved permanently:删除请求数据

"300" : Multiple Choices 请求的资源可在多处得到 | "301" : Moved Permanently 删除请求数据 | "302" : Found 在其他地址发现了请求数据

moved permanently:永久转移

"300" : Multiple Choices 多路选择 | "301" : Moved Permanently 永久转移 | "302" : Found 暂时转移

moved permanently:被永久移动

204 No Content 无内容 | 301 Moved Permanently 被永久移动 | 302 Moved Temporarily 被临时移动


碎纸机 Shredder 与它的祖先一样,为你销毁机密文件--它特意警告你是永久地( Permanently )销毁,并且每一步的默认按钮都是 No . 压缩程序 Compression 与 Drive Window 中实现的功能相同; Mail 与 Drive Window 中的 Send Mail 一样;


B 句意为"我记不起她穿的是什么衣服,可她的声音却永远(permanently)刻在了我的脑海里". 1. B. 根据下文可知句意为:教员要求我们把我们过去的任何事情(anything)都列成表,这些事情是我们感到羞愧(ashamed)、后悔或未完成的,然后大声读出.

Permanently plankton:长期性浮游生物

Permanently installed surface-recording gauge 固定式地面记录井底压力计 | Permanently plankton 长期性浮游生物 | permanert address 永久住址

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Permanently Lonely
Permanently Lonely

rosin spirit:松脂醇; 松香精

rectified spirit精馏酒精 | rosin spirit松脂醇; 松香精 | rye spirit黑麦酒精

Funeral home prep rooms are filled with toxic chemicals. - And cadavers:殡仪准备室充满了有毒化学剂 - 和尸体

- That was amber. - Nice try,cutthroat bi... | - Funeral home prep rooms are filled with toxic chemicals. - And cadavers.|- 殡仪准备室充满了有毒化学剂 - 和尸体 | Everybody in that place obviously died ...

AMP amplitude:振幅,幅度

AMP Amplifier 放大器,扩大器 | AMP Amplitude 振幅,幅度 | AMPA Adaptive Multibeam Phased Array 自适应多波束相控阵