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与 patience 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That zeroed hunger:消除了我的饥渴

Your ladle's sizzler 炎暑天里你的施予 | That zeroed hunger. 消除了我的饥渴. | Overbearing patience 你以莫大的耐心

That zeroed hunger:饥饿不袭我

Your ladle's sizzler 激动的给与, | That zeroed hunger. 饥饿不袭我. | Overbearing patience 耐心地看护,

He was taken surprise by the catch question:(那个怪题使他诧异. )

8.gesture n. 姿势,手势;(外交等方面的)姿态 v. 做手势 | 3)He was taken surprise by the catch question. (那个怪题使他诧异. ) | She lacks patience in dealing with children. (与孩子打交道她缺少耐心. )

A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold:健康的身体贵於黄金铸成的皇冠. 名句欣赏

28. There needs a long apprenticeship to understand the mys... | 29. Patience and application will carry ... | 30. A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold.健康的身体贵於黄金铸成的皇冠. 名句欣赏

When I splash the dinner soup onto my clothes:当我把菜汤洒到自己衣服上时

对我有一点耐心. Give me a little more patience. | 当我把菜汤洒到自己衣服上时,When I splash the dinner soup onto my clothes, | 当我忘记怎样系鞋带时,or the shoelaces slip away from my shoes,

One should build delightful hermitages:施者应筑怡帨僻静园

(阿罗汉)忍辱和慈柔之德. The virtues of patience and gentleness. | 施者应筑怡帨僻静园, One should build delightful hermitages | 迎请成就者安住其间; And invite the learned to dwell in them;

All fighters for communism are infidels:所有的共产主义战士都是不信教者

7827. It's a garden infested with weeds. 这是杂草丛... | 7828. All fighters for communism are infidels. 所有的共产主义战士都是不信教者. | 7829. Teaching little children takes infinite patience. 教幼儿需...

rally closely around the party central committee:紧密团结在党中央周围

戒急用忍 overcome the impetuosity and exercise patience | 紧密团结在党中央周围 rally closely around the party central committee | 经受 withstand


Foremost truth 第一义谛 * | foul-mouthed 恶口 * | Four Additional Practices (Heat, Summit, Patience, Foremost in the World) 四加行 *

Out of sight,out of mind:眼不见,心为静

Out of debt, out of danger.无债一身轻. | Out of sight, out of mind眼不见,心为静 | Patience is the best remedy.忍耐是良药.

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Love, Patience & Time
Patience Gets Us Nowhere Fast
Test My Patience
Pupil The Patience
Is Patience Still Waiting?

astrologic:占星术的, 占星学的

astrologian | 占星家, 占卜师 占星学的 | astrologic | 占星术的, 占星学的 | astrological | 占星的, 占星术的

Ground Bounce:接地跳动

以决定是否使该转态输出信号还原为该内部信号,并提供给一第二芯片使用;利用该信号跳动防止装置,可以低成本且具弹性的方式,达成防止该第一芯片产生电源跳动(power bounce)或接地跳动(ground bounce)的问题.


comprador 买办 | compreg 胶合夹板 | comprehend 领会