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与 ox 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gelded ox:阉牛

凝胶抑制剂 gelation inhibitor | 阉牛 gelded ox | 阉猪 gelded pig

Braised ox liver in brown sauce:红烩牛肝

红烩虎皮鸽蛋 Boiled and fried pigeon eggs in brown sauce | 红烩牛肝 Braised ox liver in brown sauce | 红烩牛肉 Stewed beef

a lean ox; the young man, a cub tiger. The old:瘠牛,少年人如乳虎;老

少年人如朝阳;老年人如 the young man, the morning sun.The old man i... | 瘠牛,少年人如乳虎;老 a lean ox; the young man, a cub tiger. The old | 年人如僧,少年人如侠; man is like a monk; the young man, a k...

cow-devils and snake-spirits or ox-headed devils and serpent Gods:[牛鬼蛇神]

[大黑手]big black hand | [牛鬼蛇神]cow-devils and snake-spirits or ox-headed devils and serpent Gods | [妖风]evil wind

Ox guard Ochs:牛位起势

犁位起势 Plow guard Pflug | 牛位起势 Ox guard Ochs | 顶位起势 Roof guard Vom Tag

Strong as an ox:健壮如牛

Stroll down memory lane 令人愉快的时期 | Strong as an ox " 健壮如牛 | Stubborn as a mule " 形容某人太倔了

Strong as an ox:壮如牛

sly as a fox 狡猾如狐狸 | strong as an ox 壮如牛 | stubborn as a mule 固执得像头骡子

as strong as an ox:健壮如牛

as straight as an arrow 直如飞箭 | as strong as an ox 健壮如牛 | as stupid as a donkey 蠢笨如驴

as strong as an ox:体壮如牛

507. nothing to offer.无可奉告. | 508. as strong as an ox.体壮如牛. | 509. Dream comes true.梦想成真.

as strong as an ox:强壮如牛

as hungry as a wolf 象饿狼一样,饥肠辘辘 | as strong as an ox 强壮如牛 horse? | as fair as a lily美如百合

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Fugue For The Ox
Ox Baker Triumphant
Ox Driving Song

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy