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Counterpart talks:对口会议

事物性会谈 Talks at working level | 对口会议 Counterpart talks | 项目Items on the agenda

Counterpart talks:对心谈判

事物性谈判Talks at working level | 对心谈判Counterpart talks | 议程项纲Items on the agenda

Whet cursorily,Whet eamestly,whet rigidly:粗磨,精磨,细磨

4 、铺涂环氧砂浆并找平 Spread the Epoxy sand mixtures and make it level... | 5 、粗磨 , 精磨 , 细磨 Whet cursorily,Whet eamestly,whet rigidly; | 6 、涂刷高亮度环氧透明面涂 Render Epoxy sheer paint on surf...

Heard what:听说什么

- What happened? - Oh my God, you haven't heard?|- 出什么事了? - 噢上帝啊,你没听说么? | Heard what?|听说什么? | There was a fire here last night, on the lower level.|昨晚上这里起火了,地下室

ticket scalper:票贩子

片面追求升学率 place undue emphasis on the proportion of students entering schools of a higher level | 票贩子 ticket scalper | 票房 box office

speed up development:加快发展

基层民主 democracy at the grassroots level | 加快发展 speed up development | 两个文明一起抓 place equal emphasis on material and ethical progress

unguided rockets:无制导火箭

221,"undiminished security at the lowest possible level of armaments, principle... | 222,"unguided rockets","无制导火箭",,"RCA" | 223,"United Nations Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central...

TARI, Ephraim:埃普赫赖姆.塔里

targets on Ageing: Programme recommendations at national level for the year 2001;老龄工作的目标: 2001年国家一级的方案建议;; | TARI, Ephraim;埃普赫赖姆.塔里;; | tariff;税;;

Medical Secretes of an Official:《外台秘要>

网络系统安全:official business system | <<外台秘要>>:Medical Secretes of an Official | 高层文官:official on the senior level

scalper, ticket tout:票贩子

片面追求升学率place undue emphasis on the proportion of students entering schools of a higher level | 票贩子scalper; ticket tout | 票房box office

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Down On The Level

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子