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keep back相关的网络解释

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与 keep back 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a while back:前阵子

Keep it down 不要吵 | Absent without leave 擅离职守 | A while back 前阵子

put on the back burner:缓议,不急

keep up with the Joneses 不输人 | put on the back burner 缓议,不急 | put the cart before the horse 本末倒置

keep in touch with sb:和某人保持联系

in connection with 和...相连接 | keep in touch with sb. 和某人保持联系 | take back 退回(某物),收回(所说的话)

to keep one's fingers crossed:祈禱好運

1.to know (something) like the back of one's hand :對某事瞭如指掌 ... | 2.to keep one's fingers crossed :祈禱好運-------------------- H 7 | 3.to kid around :兜圈子、裝蒜-------------------------------- ...

Keep the change:不用找了(零钱)

40, back off 一边闪,往后退 | 41, keep the change 不用找了(零钱) | 42, I'm all hears 洗耳恭听

Keep your fingers crossed:祝好运

261. May we be excused for a monent ,please?请暂时离开我们一会. | 262. Keep your fingers crossed.祝好运. | 263. Can I get back with you in a couple of days?一两天后回音,行吗?

sho nuff, i keep my hand on my gun, cuz they got me on the run:一点没错,我枪不离手,是因为他们四处通缉着我

youse a cold ass nigga on them hogs 对付那... | sho nuff, i keep my hand on my gun, cuz they got me on the run 一点没错,我枪不离手,是因为他们四处通缉着我 | now i'm back in the courtroom waitin on the o...

keep one's feet firmly on the ground:你可以放飞梦想,但是必须脚踏实地

27. 这把宝剑的历史可以追溯到秦朝. Date back to | 28. 你可以放飞梦想,但是必须脚踏实地. Keep one's feet firmly on the ground | 29. 最后一刻出现的人往往是最重要的,但上课除外. Show up

Keep straight on for two miles:一直往前走两英里

*sit up straight, ie without bending one's back 坐直 | * Keep straight on for two miles. 一直往前走两英里. | * Look straight ahead. 一直往前看.

But do keep an eye on all bathrobes, cutlery and light fixtures:不过大家还是要当心所有的浴袍,餐具和灯具

The Guedj sisters are back, we'll track them... | But do keep an eye on all bathrobes, cutlery and light fixtures|不过大家还是要当心所有的浴袍,餐具和灯具 | Sotheby's Director Caroline Lane has switched...

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I Keep Coming Back
Keep Coming Back
My Shoes Keep Walking Back To You
I Keep Going Back To Joe's
My Shoes Keep Walking Back To You
My Shoes Keep Walking Back To You
Keep Coming Back
You Keep Coming Back Like A Song
I Keep Coming Back
Keep Coming Back




clue /线索/端倪/ | clues /线索/绪/ | clumb /严重冒顶/

Gunslinger Girl:神枪少女

>(GUNSLINGER GIRL)当初买下这部作品的台版漫画却一直没时间看,近几天才想起翻开看看. 平时也没什么时间,早晨上班路上的一个多小时是拿来看漫画的理想选择. 快到站而合上漫画之前,看完了欢乐颂这一话.