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in the chair相关的网络解释

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与 in the chair 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

in the chair:担任主席[会长], 处主席地位, [俚](请客)做东道

get the chair [美俚]被处死刑, 坐电椅 | in the chair 担任主席[会长], 处主席地位, [俚](请客)做东道 | leave the chair 不做主席, 离开主席位子, 散会

in the chair:在椅子上

At the table 在桌子旁 | In the chair 在椅子上 | In the corner 在角落里

in the chair:担任主席[会长], 处主席地位, [俚](请

be sent to the chair [美俚]被处死刑, 坐电椅 | get the chair [美俚]被处死刑, 坐电椅 | in the chair 担任主席[会长], 处主席地位, [俚](请

in the chair:(开会)担任主席

Like knows like英雄识英雄 | In the chair(开会)担任主席 | Carry the ball担当领导职务

Get in the chair:到椅子上去

Better than being in pain all the time.|比持续疼痛好得多吧 | Get in the chair.|到椅子上去 | Every morningI have to check my eyes to make sure|我每天早上都检查眼睛

Get in the chair:站到椅子上

Starboard side! now!|到右舷去 马上 | Get in the chair!|站到椅子上 | Watch it. he's clearing the net.|注意 他入网了

put in the chair:选举...为主席[会长]

musical chairs (儿童)抢座位游戏 用手段取得优势 | put in the chair 选举...为主席[会长] | sit on two chairs 脚踏两只船

be in the chair:开会时任主席

to a certain degree/extent 到某种程度 | 111.be in the chair 开会时任主席 | take the chair 担任会议主席而开始开会;主持会议

sit down in the chair:坐在椅子里

4. 散步take a walk | 5. 坐在椅子里sit down in the chair | 6. 在沙发休息rest on the sofa

I got her in the chair:我终于逼她回去再刺

That is not a tattoo. That is a nothing.|那不是刺青,那... | I got her in the chair...|我终于逼她回去再刺... | ...he barely touched her with the needle, she screamed and that was it.|...针根本都还没碰到她...

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A Chair In The Sky

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子